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Ann-Marlene Henning
Ann-Marlene Henning studied neuropsychology in Hamburg and sexology and couples therapy in Denmark, then completed the 1st and 2nd stages of sex therapy according to the Sexocorporel method in Switzerland.
"Ann-Marlene Henning is well on her way to becoming a German Ruth Westheimer. Such a voice has been missing from the public debate." (Stern)
"Affable, but not chummy; factual, but not dry; tongue-in-cheek, without making the couples look ridiculous." (Welt.de)
"Psychologist Ann-Marlene Henning has given the topic of sex a very unique sound: something between funny and factual, never flippant or silly. Her explanations come without pointing fingers." (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

An educational book for adults
Whether you are 35 or 55, newly in love or in a long-term relationship, sex is part of a happy life for most people. But the prejudice persists: sex becomes less and less difficult with age. Passion wanes, erotic Fantasies fade. »Make More Love« dispels some of these prejudices, gives courage and reawakens curiosity.

An educational book
It has never been easier to learn about sex. The Internet, television, magazines - pornography and erotica are everywhere. But that doesn't mean that young people are better informed today than they used to be - quite the opposite. Growing up today is primarily faced with misleading ideals and false perfection. What is really important - intimacy, love, communication - has no place in modern media. That's why it's high time for a new sex education book!

You can learn to make love [6 DVDs]
While people are inundated with sexual images in everyday life and sex has long since become a consumer product, men and women still find it difficult to talk about their own sexuality.
It turns out that there is no suitable language for the most natural thing in the world.
The documentary format "Make Love - You Can Learn to Make Love" aims to break this silence. Because sex is communication.
The documentaries deal with questions of sexuality and everyday life in relationships and single life, with which everyone can identify, regardless of age. In "Make Love", the studied and experienced sexologist Ann-Marlene Henning speaks at eye level - just as clearly and humorously - with couples and singles about their challenges. Real sex scenes with a model couple are shown as examples and the topic is explored in more depth using scientific projections and statistics.

A sexologist tells
Everyone seems to know everything about sex, and yet not everyone has the sex that makes them happy. In our supposedly enlightened society, the real taboos are the silence, the insecurities and the gaps in knowledge in our private relationships.
Ann-Marlene Henning manages to break taboos with her books, her TV show, but above all with the work in her practice: explicit, without being pornographic; emphatic, without being intrusive; sometimes funny, never embarrassing.
In her book LIEBESPRAXIS we delve into the sexologist's work, into the "typical" sexual problems and deficits of different couples between the ages of 20 and 80, the causes of which are often complex. This third book by the author also contains autobiographical elements, true to the motto Those who are open and honest can sometimes get their counterparts to drop their mask.

Doch Noch TV
My cameraman Felix and I produce video contributions for Doch Noch TV, our sexology video blog, at irregular intervals. Here you will find all publications in chronological order. You can also watch our contributions on our YouTube channel – and subscribe to them, then you will You will automatically be notified as soon as we publish a new blog.
Please take a look and comment as much as you can. We will try to respond to your comments, suggestions and requests as quickly as possible.
Dates & Facts
Ich arbeite seit 20 Jahre mit Klienten.
English, German, Danish -
Sexocorporel Sexual Therapy Training
Background & Training
04/2016 – now
01/2010 – 01/2014
01/2008 – 01/2009
09/2005 – 09/2008
Beratung in Fragen zu Beziehung und Sexualität - zur Zeit keine neuen Klienten möglich
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20251 Hamburg
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