All practitioners and counsellors around Dusseldorf
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Tantric massage and Bodywork around Duesseldorf / NRW
Duesseldorf (German Düsseldorf) is the state capital of NRW. The region has about 5 million inhabitants and thereby significantly more than Berlin. It stretches from Duisburg and Oberhausen in the west over Essen and Bochum to Dortmund and Hagen in the east. The Tantric massage trainings of TantraConnection, Diamond Lotus Tantra and AnandaWave are particularly often represented here.
For connoisseurs who travel to Dusseldorf, we only recommend Certified Tantric Massage, and Sexological Bodywork practitioners with a seal of approval.
Addresses in other regions
Trusted Bodywork Seal of Approval
All suppliers are tested for adherence to the Trusted Bodywork quality criteria before they receive the seal of approval. Only addresses, which we recommend, are mentioned here.