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Aske Yoni-Massagen, Sexual- und Paarberatung Hamburg

Aske Hansen Hoffmann


Main offers: Sexological Bodywork, Female Sexuality, Yoni Massages, Sexual and Couple Counseling, Sexual Counseling, Coaching, Seminars


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I offer you a space in which you can experience yourself. A space in which you can free yourself from external expectations and get to the bottom of your needs. Do you think there is more? Feel more, sense more?


Sexual Counseling
Sexological Bodywork
Online Practitioner / Online Classes


365 DSF0119

Sexological Bodywork offers opportunities to rediscover your own sexuality. By expanding knowledge, questioning expectations and exploring the body through mindful sensing. Bodyworker create a safe space in which everything can be expressed and new physical experiences are possible.

The basis for these experiences is somatic learning, which awakens one's own potential on a deep physical and mental level and shows new paths.

Bodywork is about you. About the person you want to be or who you want to get to know. It is about your wishes, your feelings, longings, inhibitions or feelings of shame. About everything that you want to overwrite, let go of or expand for yourself.

It is your time that you give yourself to get to know yourself better, in a new way or in a different way. Stay curious, there is so much to discover. I will accompany you in getting in touch with yourself. With plenty of peace, unintentional touches and time.

Dates & Facts

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

11/2021 – 05/2023

Certified Sexological Bodyworker


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Lebenslust Hamburg
Steintorweg 2
20099 Hamburg
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