Sofia Kreissl
Pleasure! A gateway to selflove and to explore yourself. I offer Sensual Massage, Sexological Bodywork, Cuddle Parties and Wheel of Consent workshops. I provide a safe space where I guide and support you to be the best you can be.

"When we see eroticism as something that lives and thrives in our own bodies, not from other bodies, its there without shame and as a natural part of life"
I provide the space for you to explore yourself and your sexuality from new and sometimes healing perspectives. Or just for the fun of it, to find that spark in your life.
We don't have many options between hugs and sex in today's society. I see a future where touch and eroticism will become a natural part of our lives.
I welcome people of all genders, sexual orientations and however you wish to define yourself to be taken care of and accepted just the way you are.
Welcome to book a session with me or try a cuddle party. They are truly wonderful and I hold them every other Wednesday in the center of Stockholm in Södermalm.
Dates & Facts
English, German, Spanish, Schwedish -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
09/2010 – 07/2017
Somatisk Utbildning STHLM
Baldersgatan 7b
114 27 Stockholm
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