In Flow In Touch
Eva K Zürich Sexological Bodywork

Eva K Schaeffeler


Schwerpunkte: Körper - Intimität - Sexualität - Lebenskraft


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Ich begleite Menschen auf einer Reise nach Innen, durch das Portal der Sensualität. Ich unterstütze sie in Phasen ihres Lebens, welche nach Veränderung rufen, in den Gebieten Seelenbestimmung, souveräne Kraft und sexuelles Embodiment.


Sexological Bodywork
Sexualcoaching für Frauen
Sexualcoaching für Männer
Seminare und Workshops
sonstige Angebote


I have been involved in my own inner work for a lot of years and it has taken me to a lot of places, internally as well as externally.

I am a student of Tantric and Shamanic practices.

In my long professional career as a dancer and choreographer in Contemporary Dance I have discovered the power of breath and visualization, the beauty of resilience and resonance. My body has become my best advisor, partner and my temple.

My life purpose is in the passing on of the clues – of growing oneself up into a richly embodied and matured human being; of creating conscious culture and internalizing the Divine Dance of the Masculine and the Feminine.

Why would you want to book a 'Conscious Touch' session ?

The following topics are among the most common:

Men or Women

  • Libido issues
  • Difficulty to accept your own body, gender and sexuality
  • Feeling constricted
  • Feeling disconnected from my sensual, sexual self
  • Loss of contact with emotions
  • Heal past wounds
  • Limited pleasure spectrum
  • Desire to explore and expand your potential
  • Feeling 'armoured', numb, no sensitivity
  • Porn addiction
  • Lack of energy, power


  • Desire to improve your sex life and keep it exciting and joyful
  • Deepen your intimacy
  • Learn to give and receive more pleasure

Daten & Fakten

  • Erfahrung

    Seit über 30 Jahren Arbeit mit Tänzern (Verbesserung des Körpergebrauchs nach FM Alexander, Releasing, Ideokinese)

    Improvisation (Contacttanz, Tanztheater)

    ISTA levels 1 - 3 and Practitioner Training Graduate

    Sexological Bodywork, Sexuality and Intimacy Coaching

  • Sprachen

    Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch
  • Qualifikation

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Hintergrund & Ausbildung

01/2019 – jetzt

De-Armouring Practitioner i.A.

01/2019 – jetzt

ISTA (Int. School of Temple Arts) PractitionerTraining Graduate

01/2019 – jetzt

Arbeit mit Sexological Bodywork IISB

01/2013 – jetzt

Erwachsenenbildnerin SVEB II

01/1991 – jetzt

Tänzerin/ Dozentin Zeitgenössischer Tanz, allg. Körperarbeit und Improvisation
Sprachwissenschaftlerin lic.phil.I

05/2017 – 01/2019

Certified Sexological Bodyworker


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Eva K Schaeffeler - Conscious Touch
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