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Andrea August 2018 4

Andrea Schiller


Main offers: Massages, bodywork



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Tantra massages for men and women,
Yoni massages, Tantric bodywork,
Holi massages, TAO massage,
Alternative practitioner, CranioSacral Therapy,


Certified Tantric Massage
Other offers


When was the last time you were touched and realized that it felt really good for you?

And the kind of touch is exactly that,

that your body needs at the moment?

Where you can completely let yourself go,

feel the attention and security?

You perceived trust and a safe space?

The safe space… where you can let go?

Where everything is allowed and nothing is necessary…?

You will receive mindful, loving attention from me in touching the issues that are currently affecting you.

Our body is not just a musculoskeletal system.

No... the body is much more than the sum of its parts...

In your body, an allowed touch in the depths can be like something that opens you.

Your body knows something…that you thought you had long forgotten.

Something like an inner song that may arise from you,

that wants to be seen and felt lovingly….

Your inner song... perhaps tells something of anger or sadness, an old story that has been stored in this area of tissue like a kind of tissue memory.

And now? ... you are not alone...

In the protected environment of your session, everything can show itself and be.

After letting go of that, a kind of wonderful feeling of wholeness occurs in the body, in feeling and in being.

You become more aware of your body and your surroundings…

Think of it like this: with your body as a vehicle, you can use many more gears in your life than before.

You no longer drive through your life with the handbrake on.

And YOU allow yourself to live…love…and feel!

As a person, this work fills me with great joy. In my view, this type of bodywork helps you to find a little more inner peace within yourself. This inner peace within you will show itself on the outside. For example, how you deal with yourself, the topic of self-love, how you can meet other people, how close you can be, how you react in stressful everyday situations, to name just a few examples.

Bodywork therefore also promotes your conscious being...in dealing with yourself, with your fellow human beings, and also with planet Earth, and ultimately also contributes to making our coexistence more peaceful and harmonious.

Dates & Facts

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training

12/2004 – now


05/2018 – 03/2020

Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®



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