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Angelika Maria Datzberger
Amstetten, Tyrol
As a body awareness & body sensitization trainer with a focus on sexuality, my offer supports you in embodying your erotic primal nature, exploring your potential and expressing your authentic self.

In 2016, the door to the mysteries of tantric bodywork opened for me. This made me realize that sexuality in general and working with sexual energy in particular is a very powerful tool for becoming aware of the potential and beauty of one's innate erotic nature.
Consciously exploring, sensing and experiencing your body in a setting that offers protection and security enables a deep and healing experience of self-acceptance.
Mindful and unintentional touch, loving and understanding presence and the unconditional acceptance of what is revealed has brought about a change in body perception and the associated transformation on many levels in me and in the people I am allowed to accompany.
Embody your erotic nature, return to the temple of your being and experience connection on all levels. This is my motto with which I would like to accompany other people on this path.
Dates & Facts
English, German -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
08/2016 – 10/2018