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Florian 5 tantra massage sexualberatung koeln


Köln, Bonn

Main offers: Tantra massage in the style of AnandaWave



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In the complete relaxation and security of the tantric massage, you can reveal exactly what moves you deep inside; without goal and without intention, just be you in this moment.


Certified Tantric Massage
Classes and Workshops
Other offers


I love opening up spaces through the ritual of tantric massage that can unite mindfulness and aimlessness, physicality and psyche, self-acceptance and aesthetics, and thereby give a feeling of completeness and connection.

Being held in the certainty of feeling and sensing what is right for you at the moment. I accept your impulses and accompany you on your journey. Everything is allowed to be there. Joy and sadness, wildness and calm, sensuality and desire. Every journey is different and beautiful, just as it is.

Tantra massage is characterized by openness and acceptance and is therefore particularly suitable for people who do not exclusively identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. The massage is as individual and varied as you are.

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Florian has been part of the Ananda Cologne team since 2022 - more information, free appointments and the option to book online on the Ananda Tantra Massage and Sexual Coaching Cologne website

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Erfahrung mit Tantra-Massage seit Dezember 2021

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training

12/2021 – 04/2023

Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®



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Ananda - Kunst der Berührung
Frankfurter Str. 40
51065 Köln
0221-608 65 85
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Tanzende Hände - Workshops, Massagen und Coaching
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