Tantra in India - superstition and sexual magic
Tantra can be traced back to a probable origin in the early Middle Ages in India, as an esoteric development within Hinduism. People wanted to make use of (sexual-) magical rituals in order to attain power or become invincible. Early tantrics were probably similar to shamans in other cultures, responsible for dispelling demons and influencing fate. A variety of tools and aids were used for this, such as mantras or yoga. ‘Maithuna’ was one of these: ritualised sexual union.
This is all light years away from tantra massage or other holistic massage in the way we understand it today.
Positively valued sexual power that is integrated within the framework of a ritual – this is more or less the only common aspect between modern tantra massage and the original tantra rituals.
More on the origin and development of tantra in India