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Tantra - answers to questions that have been around for decades, answers through loving touch, through being accepted as a person, just as I am. Knots that are untied, chains that are broken - I would never have thought that possible.
"Thank you for the space full of acceptance, respect and love that you gave me and held. Thank you for the deep and healing touches. Thank you for another piece of freedom that you made possible for me." -Guest feedback
It is your space that I lead you into, it is your dance in which I accompany you without intention and without goal with my love, presence and mindfulness. My touches support you in feeling how wonderful you can feel, in experiencing the fullness of your emotions, in discovering your potential. Taste yourself, everything that is inside you and discover yourself as your greatest gift.

Axel has been part of the Ananda Cologne team since 2020 - further information, free appointments and the option to book online on the
Dates & Facts
Erfahrung mit Tantra-Massage seit 03/2018
English, German, French -
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®
Background & Training
03/2018 – 12/2020
ANANDA Massage
Frankfurter Str. 40
51065 Köln
+49 0221-6086585
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