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Didi Liebold Zurich 2

Didi Liebold


Main offers: Sexological Bodywork

+41 79 670 74 22


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My work combines modern knowledge in the field of sexology with various methods of bodywork.


Sexological Bodywork
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Didi Liebold Zurich

My Inspiration

You might think that we live in an open and enlightened world. Sexuality has long since ceased to be a taboo subject. On the contrary, what caused a storm of indignation 20 years ago has now become part of everyday life. But the sexuality portrayed in films, television and the Internet is often superficial and neglects the fact that sex is much more than just living out an urge. Sexuality can be much more if it is really lived. If it is not just about quick satisfaction, but if you really open yourself up to it and can give yourself over to the feeling completely.

But where do you learn how to deal with your own sexuality? We spend a lot of money on our vocational training, on our hobbies, on sports - but when it comes to our sexuality, we just expect it to be there.

My goal is to support people on their journey to experience sexuality in a new way. To accompany and advise them so that they can discover new levels of passion and ecstasy. Because for me, healthy sexuality is pure life energy. And one of the guiding principles for Sexological bodyworkers is:

Sexological Bodyworkers believe that sexual health and erotic education are basic human rights.

I can only fully support this principle and would like to do my part to implement a healthy and open approach to sexuality.

Bildschirmfoto 2017 04 23 Um 22 20 58

Current dates for training and courses at:
http://sexologicalbodywork.ch/de/Events Calendar

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 2007 Arbeit mit Sexological Bodywork

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Diplom in klassischer Massage beim Zentrum Bodyfeet in Aarau
Sky Dancing Tantra-Seminar nach Margot Anand am Institute for Ecstatic Living, Kalifornien
Taomassage-Seminar bei Secret of Tantra in Belzig
Diverse Tantramassage-Seminare bei Nhanga Chr. Grunow in Stuttgart, Kircheim und Belzig
Dipl. Esalen Massage Practitioner
Sexualpädagoge PLANeS/HSA Luzern


+41 79 670 74 22

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Kurszentrum BodySpace
Engweg 3
8006 Zürich
+41 79 670 74 22
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