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Aditi Bodywork Zurich

Aditi Hierling


Main offers: Sexological Body Therapy & Pelvic Area Support

+41 (0)76 594 66 44


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Perceive the person in their depth and touch them in a mindful way. Accompany and support them as they work through their issues. Create a space of trust and security where whatever is happening can be - verbal, non-verbal...


Sexological Bodywork
Sexual Coaching for Women
Classes and Workshops


About me

What fascinates me: Perceiving with all of my senses what life on earth offers us human beings. Experiencing in amazement how language, body language, touch, sensuality, massages, bodywork and silence work together - and what healing power is hidden within it.

My passion: Perceiving people in their depth and touching them in a mindful way. Accompanying and supporting them as they work through their issues. Creating a space of trust and security where whatever is happening can be - verbally or non-verbally.

My Inspiration

One of the most beautiful gifts we have received is sexuality - a source of life that can release energy. Born as sensual, erotic beings, we are allowed to be ecstatic, to experience natural pleasure - actually. If it weren't for our dogmas, social guidelines about what we do or don't do, and how, and when...

How comforting it would be to be accepted as you are.

I want and can contribute something to this in this life – and this is my inspiration:

Encourage people to show themselves with their topic in conversation and in bodywork,

to explore their sensuality, eroticism, sexuality.

Guide you to perceive your body and to connect with your body.

Help you see and understand your behavioral patterns.

They help you to accept and value your own.

Show them ways and means to experience new levels of ecstasy – to enjoy and live their sexuality.

You can laugh and cry, it can be childlike, relaxed, sensual, ecstatic: it's about the living relationship with yourself - and the love you feel in the process. It's about accepting yourself and being accepted as you are.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 2017 leite ich die Ausbildung für Sexological Bodywork in Zürich

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

11/2012 – 11/2013

Certified Sexological Bodyworker

06/2009 – 06/2011

Kreative Tanz- und Ausdruckstherapeutin


+41 (0)76 594 66 44

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Bodywork Center
Schaffhauserstrasse 34
8006 Zürich
+41 (0)76 594 66 44
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