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Michaela Riedl Tantra-Massage Ausbildung H
Michaela Riedl Tantra-Massage Ausbildung

Michaela Riedl

Köln, Nettetal

Main offers: Tantra massage instructor, sex researcher, author

0221–420 80 28


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Michaela Riedl is one of the few pioneers in spiritual-sexual healing work with women and men.


Classes and Workshops
Other offers


Bildschirmfoto 2017 04 24 Um 13 53 43


Waves form in the sea where water and wind touch.

It takes both to give birth to beauty.

The wave is the daughter of their encounter.

In a similar way, one person’s hand hits another person’s skin.

Where they connect, waves surge, boundaries flow, and horizons expand.

Learn to touch people at AnandaWave .

Bildschirmfoto 2017 04 24 Um 13 53 09

The AnandaWave professional training TMV® for prospective tantric masseurs is a body and consciousness-oriented sensual massage training. It offers a professional and appreciative framework for a multi-layered personal development process on the topic of sexuality. Aspects such as closeness, security and sensuality are essential.


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Michaela Riedl: "It is important to me to anchor tantric massage in the middle of our society so that this valuable art of touch can be developed into an even more recognized profession. For this reason, I have been passionately committed for years to securing the level of training in the TMV and ensuring that more and more people with a well-founded tantric massage training TMV® convince with its high level. Tantric massage should become a topic that can be discussed without shame and prejudice, even with friends and relatives."

Mr Verwaltungsgericht Koeln1

On May 13, 2015, Michaela Riedl won a decisive case against the Cologne District Government in the Cologne Administrative Court: The court found that AnandaWave 's professional tantric massage training prepares people for a profession and is properly regulated and verifiable using objective criteria. This is a significant contribution to the social acceptance of the TMV® tantric massage.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 1996 Arbeit mit Tantramassagen

    Seit 1997 Leitung von Seminaren für Tantramassage

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Official Trainer for the German Tantric Massage Association TMV®

    Teacher or Co-Teacher for a Training recognized by Trusted Bodywork

Background & Training

03/2009 – now

offizielle Ausbilderin des Berufsverbandes für Tantramassage

11/2012 – 11/2014

1. Vorsitzende des Tantramassage Verbandes e. V.


Official Trainer for the German Tantric Massage Association TMV®


Teacher or Co-Teacher for a Training recognized by Trusted Bodywork


0221–420 80 28

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AnandaWave Praxisräume (Supervisionen)
Ebertpl. 9
50668 Köln
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Seminarhaus Leuther Mühle
Hinsbecker Str. 34
41334 Nettetal
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