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Tantra-Massage Duisburg

Thomas Aeffner

Schwalmtal, Duisburg-Baerl

Main offers: Tantra massage for women and men, yoni healing, sexual accompaniment, meditative flogging, touch coaching,

0151 12722218


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I also enjoy massaging and accompanying seniors and people with disabilities.


Certified Tantric Massage
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Just as a musician brings a song to life or an actor brings a play to life, for me tantric massage is an applied form of art. In my "previous life" I was a painter. When that was no longer possible for me, I devoted myself to tantric massage with the same passion. While I had previously moved people deeply through my paintings, this now happens very directly: by touching the body I not only evoke joy and pleasure, but also touch the soul if the person is open to it.

I have been interested in Tantra and Tantra massage for many years - initially only theoretically. My spiritual search led me to other practices: autogenic training, tarot, yoga and Reiki. It was only when drastic changes occurred in my life that I decided to really embark on this path. And I have not regretted lovingly accepting life as it presents itself, recognizing the connection with everything that exists, feeling lovingly connected to the people I meet. For me, Tantra massage is the real expression of lived love.

During the massage I am in a meditative state: devoted and yet completely awake, completely with the person I am being massaged and yet completely with myself.

You are welcome here, as a man or a woman (or however you see yourself), as a person with a disability... just as you are. When I massage you, I see the personality of the person in their body. I accept you as you are, I touch your soul through your skin - with love.

As a woman, putting yourself in the hands of a caring man - who is there just for you when he touches you, who wants nothing from you, who you can trust and who puts himself at your service - can give you a previously unknown feeling of well-being. Even the consequences of bad experiences, even abuse, can be alleviated and resolved in this way, as your self-healing powers are activated and you become whole and healthy again.

With me you can also learn more about your ability to ejaculate femalely.

The man-to-man massage is a unique experience: powerful, energetic. Even if you are heterosexual, this experience of encountering male energies can be an unexpected enrichment.

If you live in circumstances that prevent you from receiving loving touch, I look forward to showing you again how good it feels to experience tenderness.

It is your birthright to be happy – I would be happy to accompany you on your journey there.

Touch makes you happy!

As a masseur, I have trained specifically in the healing of the yoni.

Special forms of yoni massage are particularly suitable for releasing blockages in the genital area and stimulating the self-healing powers of the yoni and the entire pelvic area. Through my previous training, I support people of all genders in becoming aware of their physical blockages, especially in the pelvic area, and in getting them flowing and dissolving through special touch sequences. This form of bodywork (dearmouring) brings with it increased sensitivity and a heightened sense of pleasure and often leads to people experiencing themselves as more vital, more joyful and more balanced.

In addition, I offer meditative flogging, bondage massages, Reiki treatments and hypnosis to support your relaxation.

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"Dear Thomas,

It's been a few weeks since you massaged me, but the memory of it still resonates in every cell. It was your masculine presence that made my femininity blossom. I thought I knew tantric massages. Far from it. What I was able to experience was a real touch from heart to heart into which I was able to fall with full trust, carried by you, without having to maintain any control. What I was able to experience went very deep. What every woman longs for, to be recognized in her innermost being and to really feel like "the goddess" in that moment, you managed that. At some point my pelvis felt as wide as the universe. I was completely there at the same time and yet in other spheres. A lot is written and talked about tantra and much of it is empty words that are not felt and have no content. With you it is different. You can feel that for you tantra not only has its place in the massage, but runs through your life and leads you to ever deeper insights. THAT is touching. The more a man is a MAN, in the best way possible, the more a woman can be a WOMAN. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful experience and I look forward to the next time, which will definitely happen."

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"I can only recommend everyone to book a tantric massage with him. His hands have that certain something that enchants you. It puts your body into high tension.

What I found wonderful was that he came to my apartment because I have a walking disability. Important to know for older people who have a handicap like me.

I would also like to point out that more people, both women and men, should have the courage to experience massage.

All I can say is that anyone who has experienced it once will never forget being touched so lovingly.

Thank you for this wonderful time of closeness."

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"For your special attention and very sensitive support in my special situation after my breast cancer, which has physically disfigured me for a year.

You touched me deeply like no one else has been able to before, and it was only through your presence that I felt truly accepted by you as a woman with all my heart and supported very lovingly by you after the loss of my left breast. A moment that, through your patience, brought about a very deep release of my pain.

After this special kind of appreciation from you, I could now really feel free to enjoy your massage to the fullest and completely relaxed!!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful and very valuable experience!

I was allowed to be completely myself, to feel whole deep inside, to fly again.

To this day I still feel that deep embrace and your loving touch.

I will continue to feel this liberation and will flow more and more with all my heart!

From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU THOMAS

Have you in my heart

All love"

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"Since I have had the pleasure of various massages, including erotic ones by men, but never a tantric massage, I was very curious about what to expect.

You explained it to me in detail and gave me the courage to let myself fall into your hands. Your massages made my tension and my headache disappear before you moved on to the lingam massage.

I was so relaxed and enjoyed this special massage, but I realized early on that I would not be able to achieve a normal orgasm from this deep relaxation.

I was all the more amazed and carried away by what I was able to experience - I would call it a dry "head orgasm" that lasted a long time, even after you had finished touching me. My emotions got the better of me and the tears flowed. You gave me the courage to let them flow and you held me and caught me very emotionally. I thank you especially for that. That showed your professionalism."

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    seit 2014 Tantramasseur TMV

    seit 2015 Tantramasseur und Ausbilder bei "Anlea"

    seit 2018 Sexualbegleiter ISBB

    seit 2018 Tantramasseur, Sexualbegleiter und Ausbilder bei "Tantrawelten"

  • Languages

    English, German, Dutch
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training

10/2014 – now

Tantramasseur TMV


Der Yager-Code bei N. Preetz und E.Yager, Preetz-Hypnose


The Pleasure Principle: How to Become a Sexual Healer bei Barbara Carrellas, Urban Tantra


Hypnotische Orgasmuskontrolle bei Undine de Rivière, BDSM-Hypnose-Seminar


meditativ Flogging bei Mag Ela,


erotische Hypnose II, bei Undine de Rivière, BDSM-Hypnose-Seminar


Erotische Hypnose I, bei Undine de Rivière, BDSM-Hypnose-Seminar


Shibari, Massage und Atem bei Robert Kriz und Marion May


ISBB: Arbeit gegen sexualisierte Übergriffe bei Lothar Sandfort


energetic full body orgasm bei Andrew Barnes


Flug des Phönix - dynamische Massage bei Nhanga Grunow, Didi Liebold, Petra Hällfritzsch


Yoniheilmassage bei Elvira Malinovskaa, Jembatan


Fesselmassage bei Kaya Köhn und Julia Dietz


Vertiefung und Initiation bei Tegtmeier und Göbel, TantraConnection


Tantric Domination bei Apollo Adama, TheNewTantra

07/2017 – 02/2018

Sexualbegleitung für Menschen mit Handicap bei ISBB-Trebel


Becken-, Anal- und Prostatamassage bei Tegtmeier und Göbel, TantraConnection


Kaschmirische Massage bei Dick Nijssen, Helios


Umgang mit Sexualität von Menschen mit geistigen Behinderungen bei F Bottinga, proFamilia


Tantra meets Handicap bei Deva Bhusha


Shibari-Workshop bei Asmondeno


Sexual Deconditioning / Advanced Sex bei Frank Bottema, TheNewTantra


Childhood deconditioning bei Puja Lepp, TheNewTantra


Tantra & Shibari bei tantra-atma/naturalbliss


De-Armouring Training 2 bei Susanne Roursgaard


"Living in Flow" Transmission Training bei Alex Vartman, TheNewTantra


De-Armouring Training bei De'an Matuka, LoveCore


G-Punkt, A-Punkt, weibliche Ejakulation bei Nhanga Grunow


Sexual Deconditioning / Advanced Sex bei Bea Dominic, TheNewTantra


Rotes Tantra / Tantrazirkel bei Manuel Hirning, Yoga-Vidya


Hypnose bei Alfred Himmelweiß


Tantramassage bei Anlea


SET Sexuelle Tiefenentspannung bei Nhanga Grunow


Ganzheitliche Fußmassage bei Elfriede Vogt, Paracelsus Heilpraktikerschule


Becken-, Anal- und Prostatamassage bei Tegtmeier und Göbel, TantraConnection


Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®


Yoni- & Lingammassage bei Tegtmeier und Göbel, TantraConnection


Rotes Tantra bei Manuel Hirning, Sukha Tantra Yoga


Reiki Meister


Lomi Lomi Nui Massage bei Jörg Weppner, Paracelsus Heilpraktikerschule


freiberuflicher Künstler und Dozent

10/1974 – 01/1979

Studium Germanistik und Kunst (Nebenfächer: Pädagogik und Psychologie) in Essen


0151 12722218

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Praxis für Entspannung
41366 Schwalmtal
+49 (0)2436 3825076
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47199 Duisburg-Baerl
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