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What always fascinates me about massage is the real encounter with the people who trust me.
This special type of touch, which happens on the skin and also in the innermost part of the soul, enriches both the giver and the receiver of a massage. Receiving touch without intention, not having to do anything, not wanting anything, just being allowed to be there, without pressure to perform and being accepted as you are is an experience that happens far too rarely and allows people to find themselves in deep relaxation.
The person who is there right now, with his tenderness, his vulnerability, his sensuality, his lust and his tears, he is good as he is, without judgment.

Petra (until October 2024 under the name Tessa) has been part of the Ananda Cologne team since 2022 - further information, free appointments and the possibility of online booking on the Ananda Tantra Massage and Sexual Coaching Cologne website
Dates & Facts
Erfahrung mit Tantramassage seit Sommer 2021
English, German -
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®
Background & Training
07/2021 – 04/2023
Ananda - Kunst der Berührung
Frankfurter Str. 40
51065 Köln
0221-608 65 85
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