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Rain Tantra Tantric Massage London

Rain Branco


Main offers: Tantra Massage and Tantric practices


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I offer Tantra Massage for healing and relaxation from studios in Vauxhall and Hoxton, London.


Certified Tantric Massage


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Tantra is enlightenment through pleasure. While we are commonly taught that spirituality can only be achieved through denial of our body, control of our feelings and suppression of our sexuality, Tantra invites you to heal and arrive at your deeper self through breath, awareness, sensations, embodiment and pleasure.

Tantra Massage is a somatic therapy derived from Tantric principles. Embodiment, experience and acceptance of the whole self are key elements of my practice.

My tradition additionally incorporates breath work, energy work, shamanic practices, bioenergetics and a modern understanding of consent and boundaries to help you connect with your authentic self.

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Tantra Massage is a full-body massage where the whole of you is welcome as you are. Your experiences, your emotions, feelings, your whole body and your pleasure are welcome.

The massage can be done with an intention of healing, de-armouring, processing strong emotions and growth, or it can be done with an intention of receiving pleasure, sensuality, relaxation and being held in a caring way.

A typical session starts with a brief conversation about how you are feeling and a review of your intentions for the session. After you take a shower in the studio, we will open the Tantric space through rituals and we will go into the massage proper. Depending on the intentions for the session, we will incorporate breathing techniques and meditations.

After the massage, you will have time to integrate. If you wish so, you can also take a second shower to remove the oils. Finally, we will have a conversation about your experience and we will discuss aftercare. I make myself available in the days after the session in case you want to discuss anything that might have arisen, if you need additional support or if you have any questions.

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My practice is inclusive and non-judgemental. I offer sessions to individuals of all genders.

I practice from two studios in Hackney and Vauxhall, London.

Before our first session, I will share with you an intake form and we will have a 30-minute call, free of charge, to explore your intentions. This will also give you the opportunity to ask me any questions and decide if my approach resonates with you.

The first session is typically 3 hours to give us time to gently enter into the Tantric space. Following sessions can be between 2 and 4.5 hours depending on your intentions.

My typical availability is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 09:00–21:00, and Wednesday 09:00–13:00.

I’m fully insured by BGI and I abide by the code of ethics of the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists.

Please, get in touch via email for more details and to arrange our phone call. I know that the first session might feel a bit daunting and you will have my support throughout. I’m more than happy to answer any questions you might have.


"I had such a beautiful journey. Rain is great as a facilitator. They know how to hold the space and how to make you feel comfortable. Whole session was a beautiful experience for me and I felt safe and really looked after. We had great chat just before session, I didn’t know what to expect but for sure it exceeded my expectations. I feel more open now and amount of beautiful energy which is still inside of me is blowing my mind. Our session helped me a lot. Thank you one more time for this beautiful experience." — Olga, 36, she/her, London (February 2024)

"I’m impressed and inspired by Rain’s capacity to hold space for my inner journey - with so much safety, love, nurturing presence and genuine passion for their work. Thank you 🙏 for everything we explored together and I do look forward to more sessions to come!" — Paulina, 39, she/it, London (December 2023)

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Tantric Massage Practitioner (John Hawken)

  • Languages

    English, Spanish, Japanese, Portoguese
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner (John Hawken)

Background & Training

09/2023 – now

GradCert Humanistic and Psychodynamic Counselling (Goldsmiths)

10/2023 – 03/2024

Experience Tantric Principles (Sacred Light Tantra)

09/2022 – 07/2023

Tantric Massage Practitioner (John Hawken)


The Shaman's Pathway (The Sacred Trust)


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Vauxhall Studio
Near Vauxhall Station
SE1 London
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Hackney Studio
Near Hoxton Station
E2 London
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