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Alexia Helen
Zürich, Berlin
Develop your sensuality, your sexuality through communication and touch. This is all about you, without intention, mindfully and at your own pace.

Tantra massage was and is a way for me to find myself again. I always knew that I wanted more: more touch, more sexuality, more closeness, more from life. In contact with myself and others, the conscious touch took me to spheres that lie beyond this dimension. In doing so, I was able to learn to accept myself and my feelings as they are - with all my shadows, my wildness and my beauty, my insecurities and my strengths.
Through touches that don't just take place on the surface, but touch me on the deepest levels of my being and include my sexuality as an essential part of me, I can learn again. I can learn what it means to be me. I can learn that I am accepted just as I am. And I hope that you can experience that too. In your very own version. That's why I invite you to come to me - an invitation to feel yourself on the deepest levels of yourself, to place yourself in professional hands that give you closeness and nourish you.
Ecstasy is as natural a state as sleeping or breathing; it is our birthright. We are born ecstatic as children and experience the world as a place full of wonder. We are not separate from things, but intuitively and deeply connected to everything that surrounds us."
~ Margot Anand ~
Why do I touch?
For me, touch has a deep spiritual and emotional value. I believe that every person has a need for touch in order to feel safe, connected and loved. That is why it is a matter close to my heart to bring touch into the world.
In embracing the unfolding of this bizarre life, I find my own strange reactions to humanity to be my greatest teachers.
I have always been fascinated by exploring different ways to uncover the full potential of our bodies, minds and sexuality.
Dates & Facts
Tantramasseurin seit 2020
Bewusst-Verbundende-Atmung seit 2018
English, German -
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®
Background & Training
05/2021 – 01/2023
Siewerdtstrasse 95
8050 Zürich
+41 44 955 22 44
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Alexia Helen
10405 Berlin
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