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Deva Karuna
tantric massage
Tao massage
Yoni and Lingam massage
Tantra massage courses for couples
Healing Touch/Energetic Healing Treatments
Bodywork with conscious support

To be human. To be for people.
For me, touch is one of the most subtle and yet most powerful elements. Precisely because every person perceives and feels very individually, there is an exciting, sensitive mystery in touch. In this diversity, we are all united by the desire to arrive and to flow with life from the center of our being.Touching does not only take place on the body. The body is rather the gateway to illuminate and nourish the inner being. I see the essence and humanity holistically in everything that belongs to our humanity (and beyond): mind, heart, spirit, soul, sexual energy.
Everything that shows itself in a completely natural way is allowed to be: desire, enjoyment, devotion, silence, light and shadow, trust and intimacy, vulnerability and strength.Being in awareness, living in mindfulness, loving without parable.
Your touchability is your greatest gift and your strength.
Welcome, Deva KarunaDates & Facts
Tantramassage seit 2017 in Berlin und Zürich, Energetische Heilbehandlungen & De-Armoring seit 2019
English, German -
Tantra Massage Practitioner YINDO / Ulrike Liehm
Background & Training
03/2017 – 02/2019
Deva Karuna
10405 Berlin
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