Isa Magdalena
I’ve dedicated myself to questions about how we can reunite our sexual and spiritual selves. It began in my late twenties, almost thirty years ago, in Amsterdam, when I began to consciously explore sexual energy...
"Sex turned out to be the entry point to the deep nourishing joy that every part of me was crying out for, as well as the fuel that would get me there."
- Nicole Daedone, 'Slow Sex' -
"Isa Magdalena, a sex visionary, goes far beyond the usual sex education tips in her beautiful, poetic, and enlightening book, lighting the way to a deeper erotic satisfaction and spiritual ecstasy as she goes. Intelligent. Innovative.Inspirational. In sync with the times."
-- Annie Sprinkle, eco-sex-activist -

Over time, a paradigm has emerged which I call Full Spectrum Sex, resulting in a book I wrote that helps to redefine sexuality and spirituality, while serving as a practical guide in the complexity of sexual relating (click on the book image to the left to purchase). Most of us learned to associate sex only with genital stimulation, which can certainly be wonderful. But we miss out on so much of our potential if we only go “down there” when we want sex. Full Spectrum Sex, opens up sexuality to integrate all human expressions of relating, such as lust and love, creativity and inspiration, power and prayer.
This paradigm is based on the full spectrum of color we see in a rainbow. Just as light shines through a prism to make a full color spectrum, so our life force (= sexual energy) flows through the body to create a full spectrum of human realms of consciousness.
'Each color has its own vibration, quality and movement.
Each color is its own realm.
Each color has its own sensation.
Each color has its own sexual expression from red to white, from lust to bliss, the colors form a full spectrum, hence Full Spectrum Sex.'
--Isa Magdalena
Full Spectrum Sex (p. 28)
Dates & Facts
The first female teacher for the Body Electric School in Oakland, CA. (with Joseph Kramer)
Co-founder of XOX, a pioneering women's sexuality group in Albuquerque, NM
Certified Massage Therapist since the mid 80’s
English, Dutch -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
Groene Kruisstraat 4
4471 BZ Wolphaartsdijk
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