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Berlin Prenzlauer Berg Tantra
gottfried tantra masseur berlin

Gottfried Sieber

Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg

Main offers: Tantra massage for women, men, couples & all genders

+49 176 4027 3650


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Our body is a precious gift, a "temple of the soul". With my being I touch lovingly, mindfully, sensually, from the heart and with joy - both in the Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage and in the Tantra massage.


Certified Tantric Massage
Classes and Workshops
Other offers


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"Let your inner self be touched"
is my motto and the intention I pursue with my massages. This requires trust between us and your devotion so that a deep touch can occur.

With my being I touch lovingly, mindfully, sensually, with all my heart and full of joy. I am aware and present in all my movements, I intuitively follow the flow of the massage and I remain calmly centered within myself with my breathing.

In the Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, the focus is on loving touch, experiencing the feeling of being safe and protected, like a baby in the womb. Sexual energy is not awakened and the intimate area is not massaged.

In tantric massage, the whole body is touched lovingly and carefully, including the intimate area and the pelvic floor. Sexual energy can be awakened, flow through the whole body and vitalize it.
My wish is that a space full of trust opens up, which enables a deep state of relaxation, surrender and letting go. A space in which everything is allowed, every feeling is welcome. That you come "home" nourished and with a deep feeling of love, appreciation and gratitude for yourself and your life.

A journey to yourself, into your BODY, where the sense of time disappears –
BEING at home in you, in the NOW.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 2009 Hauptberuflicher Masseur mit Tantramassagen & Hawaiianischer Lomi Lomi

    Seit 2012 Inhaber eines eigenen Massage Studios

    Seit 2016 zertifizierter Tantramasseur nach den Richtlinien des TMV(AZ)

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV® (AZ)

Background & Training

01/2016 – now

Mitglied im Human Trust, einer Online Coaching Community mit Veit & Andrea Lindau

03/2012 – now

Inhaber eines eigenen Massage-Studios in Berlin/ Prenzlauer Berg

01/2003 – now

Auf dem tantrischen Weg der Sinnlichkeit, Bewusstheit und Spiritualität

01/2002 – now

Die Tanzform der Contact Improvisation, Bodywork & Yoga


Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV® (AZ)


Tantra und Trauma bei Ilan Stephani & Mari


Tantramassage - Bodenarbeit intensiv im Diamond Lotus


Anal- und Prostata- Massage - Die tiefe Berührung


Tantramassage in der SpiritualTantraLounge




Tantra - Ritualmassage bei Beatrice Popko


Hawaiianische Körperarbeit und Massagekunst


Ausbildung in der Hawaiianischen Tempel-Massage


Grundausbildung in der Thai-Massage


Ausbildung in der LomiLomi Massage

10/2003 – 06/2006

3 jährige Ausbildung "Der Weg der Liebe" im Institut für Lebenskunst und Tantra


Männertraining im Institut für Lebenskunst und Tantra mit Frank Fieß

09/1994 – 02/2002

Studium der Erziehungswissenschaft. Abschluss: Diplom-Erziehungswissenschaftler

10/1988 – 08/1994

Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Abschluss als Diplom-Kaufmann.


+49 176 4027 3650

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Schönhauser Allee 73 D
10437 Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg
0176 4027 3650
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