Laura-Doe Harris
Ocean Shores
My passion is to support people in connecting with their bodies to discover and explore their natural erotic nature and to experience the healing potential of their capacity for pleasure

I'm an award-winning somatic sex educator, comedienne and singer/songwriter. I work internationally using humour, song and science to support people to connect with the wisdom and pleasure within their own bodies and to discover their unique erotic nature.
In early childhood I discovered some of the delicious natural pleasures that our bodies are capable of, and blessed with an upbringing that did not suppress this exploration, I was inspired, as an adult, to seek out and learn from teachers of sexuality across many traditions and disciplines. I have professional qualifications in Sexological Bodywork, Somatic Sex Education and Counselling and have been lucky enough to pursue my passion on several continents.
In 2008 I founded The yOniversity and have presented the workshops in my yOniversity curriculum and my comic cabaret ‘Vaudeville of the Vulva’ in Australia, Bali, USA and the UK. I developed a video resource on female arousal that is available for download on my website. I also created The Vulvalicious Cushions, beautiful anatomically accurate fabric sculptures. These cushions are used in yOniversity workshops, in various sexology practitioner trainings and by educators and ‘vulvalationaries’ all over the world.
I offer tailored individual discovery packages of personal online sessions for people wanting to create more sexual happiness in their lives. My current projects also include The Happy Pelvis Project, an online programme supporting women to take charge of their pelvic health and wellbeing.
Dates & Facts
Working since 2012 as a sexological bodyworker
Working as a group facilitator since 2002
English -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
07/2011 – 08/2012
The yOniversity
2483 Ocean Shores
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