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Tamara Tantra Massage Essen Header
Tamara Tantra Massage Essen

Tamara Tegtmeier


Main offers: Tantra massage, tantra massage training, seminars, mentor for body awareness, touch coaching & sexual counseling

0172 - 65 32 970


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Tantra massage is peace work…
with your body!
with your sexuality!
with yourself!


Sexual Counseling
Certified Tantric Massage
Classes and Workshops


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Tantra massage is peace work...

"You enjoy your free, relaxed body and are deeply at peace with yourself." That is my vision.

My loving focus is to open up a space for you that allows you to allow yourself to be touched and to explore yourself mindfully… every corner of your body, every color of your feelings… and in doing so, to tenderly acknowledge your supposed “weaknesses”.

Your complete YES! to yourself opens up the treasure trove of your dignity, your full vitality and a deeply touching, nourishing and joyful sexuality.


In 2002, I came to Tantra and then to Tantra massage through my own lack of touch and the very general and vague feeling that "there must be more to it". I was initially skeptical but very curious and set out on the path and it has borne many different fruits. My life has become fuller and, above all, more meaningful. "Incidentally", I also found my calling. I have now been accompanying people in my massages and seminars for over 15 years who long for real touch!

I give my massages in the rooms of the Ayana massage practice in Essen: https://www.ayana-massage.de/wir/tantramassage-essen-tamara/

You can find out more about my/our seminars here: http://www.tantraconnection.de

I look forward to touching you.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    seit 2004 Arbeit mit Tantramassagen

    seit 2013 Leitung von Seminaren

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Teacher or Co-Teacher for a Training recognized by Trusted Bodywork

Background & Training

04/2013 – now

Seminarleitung der Ausbildungsseminare bei TantraConnection - offizieller Ausbilder TMV


Einführungskurs "Tandava" bei Daniel Odier in Berlin


Einführungskurs "Somatic Experiencing" - Osho Uta in Köln

12/2014 – 09/2016

Beziehungsdynamische Paar - und Sexualtherapie - Institut für Beziehungsdynamik, Berlin


SET - sexuelle Tiefenentspannung bei Nhanga Ch. Grunow


Die Höhle der Löwin – Selbstliebe & weibliche Ejakulation bei Nhanga Ch. Grunow


Teacher or Co-Teacher for a Training recognized by Trusted Bodywork


Pristabhyanga – ayurvedische Rückenmassage bei Rosenberg Europäische Akademie für Ayurveda


Geburt meines zweiten Sohnes


Geburt meines ersten Sohnes

06/2005 – 05/2006

Tantra LoveCreation Jahrestraining II

06/2004 – 05/2005

Assistenz Tantra LoveCreation Jahrestraining I

06/2003 – 05/2004

Tantra LoveCreation Jahrestraining I

11/2003 – 04/2004

Ausbildung in Tantramassage bei LoveCreation


0172 - 65 32 970

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Zindelstrasse 9
45128 Essen
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