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Andrea Hintze


Main offers: Sexological Bodywork, Coaching & Bodywork. Expert for sexual self-exploration & body acceptance



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I accompany you on your journey to touch, feel and experience yourself. To get to know yourself, to awaken your cells for more intense sensations and orgasms and to live your authentic (sexual) self-expression.


Sexological Bodywork
Sexual Coaching for Women
Online Practitioner / Online Classes


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I believe that it is possible for you too to live a fulfilling, enjoyable and, above all, authentic sexuality.

That it is possible for you to feel desire and enjoy sex (again).

Just the way you want it, and better than you can ever imagine.

You too can experience more intense sensations and deeper, longer or even orgasms at all.

All this and so much more.

Everything is possible, even for you!

I can confirm this from my own experience, because my sexuality was anything but beautiful

My sexuality was characterized by enduring, allowing and letting things happen. You just do it. I had no desire for it and didn't enjoy it. I hardly felt anything and until I was 26 I believed that I couldn't have orgasms.

But what is

- when you finally know what you want and need?

- when you get a feeling for yourself

- when you find your own path to pleasure and your authentic sexuality?

- When you wake up your cells and finally feel more? Experience more intense sensations and orgasms

- when you realize and experience that you too are capable of orgasm

- when you create sex the way you want it

- when you can finally enjoy yourself and sex

- if you feel like it because you enjoy it and you get pleasure from it and can enjoy it again?

Wouldn't that be phenomenal?

Let's go!

I am Andrea, sexual empowerment coach and certified sexological Bodyworkerin .

I accompany you on your journey to touch yourself, to sense, to feel and to experience yourself. To get to know yourself, to find out what you like, want and need, to awaken your cells for more intense sensations and orgasms and to live your authentic (sexual) self-expression.


Bodies have always fascinated me. From the beginning, I wanted to work with bodies and with the body. And so, over the last 10 years, I have helped more than 200 women to feel comfortable in their bodies, to accept and love themselves as they are. And to solve their issues in, through and via the body. So my original profession of nutritional counseling expanded to include the topics of body acceptance, body awareness, psychology, femininity and Bodywork and developed into a holistic concept, which I still teach today.

In 2021 I finally discovered sexological Bodywork, which united and expanded everything I had taught and lived so far.

For me, the special thing about Sexological Bodywork is that it unites the head and body. This makes truly holistic transformation possible on all levels. You probably know it yourself. Just because you know something in your head doesn't mean that you actually do it, try it out, believe it or change it.

Sexological Bodywork is a combination of Coaching and bodywork and opens up the possibility to directly implement, experience and learn what has been learned and recognized.

Having new experiences right away. That's what really changes things.

Sexological Bodywork creates a wonderful space to get in touch with yourself, to sense, feel and experience yourself. To try yourself out, explore and experience yourself. To meet yourself and come home to yourself.

A space where you can show yourself and experience who you are. Where you are seen, heard and accepted. Where you feel safe, comfortable and secure.

And this is my invitation to you to immerse yourself in this wonderful space and experience yourself.

My vision:

My vision is to accompany you, to get in touch with you, to feel you, to sense you and to experience you.

To encourage and accompany you to meet yourself, to touch yourself and to explore your own sexuality.

To be the person we always wanted or never had. The person who sits down with you and explores you with you. Who shows you and explains what you have and how you function. Who encourages and accompanies you to explore yourself. Who is by your side, holds you, carries you and listens to you. Who is there for you with all your questions, thoughts and fears and accompanies you with loving inspiration and opportunities on your path to (sexual) self-discovery.

Your space in which you can be yourself safely and freely.

Your safe space to discover, explore and experience yourself.

Get in touch now and let us create your individual path.

I look forward to you!

From the heart


Dates & Facts

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

07/2017 – now

Coaching und Körperarbeit

10/2021 – 02/2023

Certified Sexological Bodyworker



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