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Tantra-Massage München

Karen Zeiler

Kaufbeuren, München

Main offers: Somatic sexual coaching, tantric massages, energy massages, seminars: contact improvisation and tantric massage



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All my offerings always focus on the body as a reliable guide on your journey to yourself.
Where do I feel resonance?
What is happening energetically?
How can I touch myself?
What do I experience when I am touched?


Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Classes and Workshops


In my own life, I have experienced that trying to change things through the mind is not very productive. In my search for personal growth, I have repeatedly been drawn to methods that use levels other than the mind. These were mainly body work, energy work and work with the morphogenetic field. In tantric massage, I can combine all of these levels. I am fascinated by the depth of the encounter that I can experience in a tantric massage. Clearly and unpretentiously, with loving attention, I meet a person as he/she is right now, with everything that is showing up at that moment. And so-called "negative emotions" such as anger or sadness are just as welcome as joy and desire. Being in this non-judgmental attitude and accompanying and holding the emerging emotions of my massage recipient is very fulfilling for me and its effect goes far beyond the actual massage.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit April 2024 Tantramasseurin im Massagestudio "Geheimnisse des Tantra" in München

    Seit Mai 2024 Seminare "Tantramassage und Contact Improvisation"

    Seit Herbst 2022 workshops "Körper und Stimme"

    Seit Dezember 2024 Körpercoaching

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training

09/2021 – 04/2024

Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®



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Raum für Dich
Zum guten Brunnen13b
87600 Kaufbeuren
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Geheimnisse des Tantra
Waldmeisterstraße 77
80935 München
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