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Mara Sexualtherapie Tantra Berlin
Mara Sexualberatung Tantra Berlin

Mara Fricke-Wirth

Bad Belzig, Berlin

Main offers: Individual and couples counseling, sex therapy, Coaching on intimacy and relationships, women's temple work, tantra seminars and training



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Graduate art therapist, psychotherapist (HP), tantra teacher, sex therapist (ZISS), temple guardian (according to Chameli Ardagh) and Learning Love therapist iA,


Sexual Counseling
Sexual Coaching for Women
Other offers


With enthusiasm and all the ups and downs, I have been exploring for 25 years what it means to be a loving, truthful and relationship-capable woman, mother and lover!
Tantra has become a deep inspiration and source of strength for me. Our body is a unique gift that allows us to experience ourselves anew in every moment as feeling, enjoying and truthful beings.

In my Coachings and temple rituals, I want to support you in returning to your body - head, heart, stomach and pelvis - and feeling at home within yourself!

I want to inspire you as a woman and as a man to deepen your love for yourself, to strengthen your qualities, but also to clarify your needs and explore your desires and longings.

Because when we have found a home within ourselves, we discover that we can also give a home to others and are capable of creating healthy, lively and sensual relationships.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 2003 leite ich Tantraseminare und - Ausbildungen

    Seit 2005 berate ich in Coachings zum Thema Beziehung, Sexualität und Spiritualität

    Seit 2012 bin ich zertifizierte Sexualtherapeutin

  • Languages

    English, German, Dutch
  • Qualifications

    Sexocorporel Sexual Therapy Training

Background & Training

07/2007 – now

Supervision und Fortbildung bei Karin Muuss, Diamond Logos Work

01/2006 – now

Retreats und Weiterbildung in Dzogchen, tantrischem Buddhismus,

01/2005 – now

diverse Weiterbildung bei Aba Aziz Makaja, Edgar Hofer, Andro

07/2012 – 08/2017

Yoga Retreats/Fortbildung im Shri Kali Ashram, Yoga Vidya

04/2005 – 03/2017

Fortbildung bei Diana Richardson, Advaita Maria Bach, Ma Yoga Sudha, Vivian Dittmar

08/2014 – 02/2016

Learning Love Training bei Krishnananda und Amana Trobe


Tempelhüterin-Ausbildung bei Chameli Ardagh


"Wenn Sex intim wird" Intensiv Fortbildung bei Krish und Amana Trobe


Slow Sex/Making Love bei Hella Suderow/Christian Schumacher


Sexocorporel Sexual Therapy Training


Prüfung Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie

02/2007 – 11/2007

Transparente Kommunikation Jahrestraining bei Thomas Hübl

07/1997 – 06/2004

Studium Creative Therapie, Dipl. Kunsttherapie Hochschule Utrecht, NL

03/2003 – 11/2003

Jahrestraining "Spirit of Tantra" 1

01/1998 – 11/1998

Jahresgruppe Institut "Intimität und Tantra" Amsterdam



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Am Bahnhof 8
14806 Bad Belzig
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Essentis Biohotel
Weiskopffstr. 16/17
12459 Berlin
033841- 799600
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