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tantra sexual coaching berlin
Silvio Wirth Tantra Berlin

Silvio Wirth

Lübnitz / Bad Belzig, Berlin

Main offers: Tantra seminars and training, couple and sex therapy, Coaching on polyamory and conflicts with multiple relationships


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Tantra teacher, yoga teacher (BYV), qualified psychologist, sex therapist (ZISS), coach and author of the book "Integral Tantra".
Head of the Secret of Tantra Institute, operator of the cult website www.polyamorie.de, known from the media.


Sexual Counseling
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Other offers


Oyh 550 Kopie
My vision is a culture of loving understanding between men and women, supported by awareness, humor, high presence, tantric values and life in community.
My aim has always been to bring more love into the world. The way I try to convey it has changed several times, but the basic impulse remains the same.
My tantric concept is Integral Tantra, a well-founded synthesis of the classical Hindu and Buddhist Tantra paths, elements from Western erotic-therapeutic Tantra, Hatha Yoga and the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber, which in our opinion is currently the best map for inner growth. On the one hand, I am in the classical tradition with its depth and transformative power, and on the other hand, I am on the ground of European humanism and the Enlightenment.

My way of teaching is dynamic, experience-oriented, fresh and unpretentious, but also quiet and deep. I attach great importance to remaining visible as a person and not disappearing behind the unapproachable mask of the “Tantra teacher”.

I bring respect and consideration for every person, as well as empathy and therapeutic presence. Our approach is not that of guruship, but of spiritual mentoring.
In recent years, the spiritual intensity of our seminars has increased more and more. Mara and I are able to accompany powerful spiritual transformation processes, such as Kundalini processes, lovingly and confidently.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    - Tantralehrer seit 2001, inzwischen habe ich über 400 Seminare und Ausbildungen gegeben

    - Ich leite Jahrestrainings und Fortgeschrittenen-Kurse in Integralem Tantra und bilde seit 2008 auch Tantralehrer aus

    - Ausbildung beim ZISS in Sexocorporel (2012); seither als Sexualtherapeut aktiv

    - langjährige Erfahrung und Kompetenz in Tantramassage und Berührungskunst

    - Diplom-Psychologe (Abschluss 1997); Psychotherapeut nach dem HP Gesetz; Paar- und Sexualberatung sowie Coaching seit 1999

    - Ich biete Einzel- und Paarsitzungen zu Fragen rund um Liebe und Sexualität an, insbesondere zur Thematik rund um Polyamorie

  • Languages

    English, German, French, Romanian
  • Qualifications

    Sexocorporel Sexual Therapy Training

Background & Training

05/2006 – now

Dzogchen mit James Low und Keith Dowman

01/2006 – now

Kundalini Tantra bei Edgar OWK Hofer

05/2005 – now

Fortgeschrittenes Tantra und Yoga bei Aba Aziz Makaja

03/2003 – now

Vajrayana bei Helmut Poller

07/2004 – 08/2016

Tummo bei verschiedenen Vajrayana-Meister, insbesondere Tulku Lobsang


Sexocorporel Sexual Therapy Training

04/2008 – 01/2009

Yogalehrerausbildung bei Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, danach viele Weiterbildungen

01/1996 – 08/1997

Yin-Yang-Massage, erotische Massage und fortgeschrittenes Tantra bei Andro

09/1991 – 06/1997

Studium der Psychologie, Abschluss mit Diplom

12/1995 – 03/1997

Tantralehrerausbildung bei Lucian Loosen, mit Andro, Advaita und Christian Fuchs


Mitbegründer des Tantramassage-Institus "Ananda" K mit Michaela Riedl und Martina Weiser


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Secret of Tantra
Dorfstr. 5
14806 Lübnitz / Bad Belzig
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Seminarhotel Essentis Berlin
Weiskopffstraße 16
12459 Berlin
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