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Joern Tantra-Massage Sexualberatung Freiburg
Joern Tantra-Massage Sexualberatung Freiburg

Jörn Lentes

Freiburg im Breisgau

Main offers: seminars, tantric massage, sexual counseling

+49 761 88795516


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With empathy and clarity, I accompany people to leave familiar paths and discover new ways in communication, touch and sexuality.


Sexual Counseling
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes


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In our seminars and practice groups we pass on our knowledge and wealth of experience. Everything revolves around communication, touch and sexuality.

Learn with and from other women , men and couples and through inspiration in our practice groups. In the mixed seminars you can discover new worlds and develop yourself further.

Feedback from Friederike D.:

" You are here as human beings, with everything that defines and moves you.

The creativity and variety of ideas in your seminars is inspiring. I always noticed a clear structure, a common thread, and at the same time I experienced that you respond flexibly and empathetically to interests and wishes. The methodological diversity and the creative seminar materials make your seminars very lively and varied. It was a pleasure for me to be there!"

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Our massage offers for women , men and couples open up spaces for you to experience outside of your usual patterns. It is about a conscious examination of your body sensations and about learning new levels of body perception. It is important to us to question social influences and expectations about sexuality and to support you in having your own experiences.

Our full body massages are not about achieving any goal, but rather about accompanying you in your very personal learning process about your body.

Feedback from Michael K.:

" I consider it a gift and a privilege to receive such a deep quality of touch from a man.

I was surprised how it was possible to feel so much direct flowing energy so quickly with someone I didn't know.
Meeting man to man in this way, path-oriented rather than goal-oriented, has strengthened my self-esteem and enriched me with new experiences."

Paarwelt Paarberatung


With our consulting services, we support you in creating a solid foundation, a basis for your development path. We accompany you in reflecting, orienting yourself and consciously planning which new spaces you would like to enter. In our consulting, we also combine the different levels of body, mind and soul in order to develop holistic approaches with you.

Our focus in counseling is on the topics of communication, shaping relationships with yourself and other people, and experiencing and shaping your sexuality.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 2012 Seminar in Gewaltfreier Kommunikation leiten

    Seit 2015 Einzelberatung von Klienten

    Seit 2021 Arbeit mit Tantra-Massage

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner IISB®

Background & Training

11/2023 – now

Sexological Bodywork (in Ausbildung) bei Manumagic

01/2017 – now

Selbstständiger Unternehmensberater

01/2012 – now

Trainer für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation

09/2022 – 03/2023

Klinische Sexologie und Sexocorporel (Karoline Bischof) bei Life Lessons


Petra Hällfritzsch, Flug des Phönix, Dynamische Tantramassage


AnandaWave, Umgang mit sexuellen Störungen i.d. Tantramassage


AnandaWave, Kompetenz triff Leidenschaft

03/2020 – 06/2021

Tantric Massage Practitioner IISB®


+49 761 88795516

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Vida Balance
Schwester-Adolfa-Weg 52
79115 Freiburg im Breisgau
+49 761 88795516
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