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Johanna tantra massage sexualberatung koeln



Main offers: Tantra massage TMV, Yoni massage, Lingam massage, Youngtra seminar (Tantra for people between 18-30 years), sexual counseling


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"Play is a space of careless and carefree existence that has all the qualities of tenderness." - Isabella Guanzini


Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops


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The beautiful thing about tantric massage is that we all get naked. This is not just to be understood as taking off clothes, but above all as a metaphor for a human-to-human encounter. No matter what masks, protective coverings, security and insecurities you come to my massage with - at the end you stand before me as a human being. And I will approach your humanity with appreciation, consideration and respect. Provided that I am treated with the same appreciation, consideration and respect, because I am entering into the same nakedness.

A tantric massage can be a reflection of your own sexual identity. It gives you the opportunity to feel yourself intensely and extensively. Depending on your sexual biography or simply your current mood, a tantric massage can be a feel-good program full of pleasure and relaxation. But it can also show you your own problems, desires, preferences and limits. Just come with an open mind and see what the touch does to you. Maybe you'll leave the massage practice purring with satisfaction, your head full of cotton wool. But maybe you've also caught the blues and are a little off track - none of that is right or wrong. There is no ideal state to achieve.

As a tantric masseuse, I am not a therapist. I simply open up a space for you in which I want to give you the feeling, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that everything about you is just as it is. A space in which you can be curious about yourself, dare to let go and learn to feel and enjoy yourself.

Are you curious to learn more about my work? Then read my article "What does tantric massage mean to me" at Nevernot.

Or take a look at the radio report from Follow me Reports

I look forward to your visit to Ananda in Cologne or Hanover !


A new series of seminars has been created at AnandaWave in an effort to provide young people in particular with a sensitive and non-judgmental path to their own sexuality.

As a team together with Christoph Kraus and Madlen Thonhauser, we have designed a series of seminars that are intended to inspire young people to fully develop their sensory potential.

It is about developing a new mindfulness towards oneself and others, about communicating desires and limits, and all of this far away from clichés and pressure to perform.

Youngtra is for people between 18 and 30 years of age and started in 2021 with the first

Lerne deine Grenzen lieben

I discovered the Tantra saga when I was 25 years old. I am glad that I found the curiosity and courage to do it so early. Since then, I have lived my sexuality much more consciously, freely and fulfilled. Strictly speaking, this does not only affect my sexuality, but also extends to other areas of my life. Since I have learned to talk about boundaries and needs in such a vulnerable area as sexuality, it has also become easier for me in other situations.

That's why I want to encourage young people in particular to think about their sexual potential at an early age - beyond exciting sex experiments, but above all as a source of their own self-confidence.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    2018 TMV zertifizierte Tantramassage Ausbildung (AnandaWave)

    2020 Leitung für das YoungTra Seminar bei AnandaWave

    2022 Sexualberatung (SoHam Institut)

    2023 traumasensitives Arbeiten (Holistic bodywork)

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training

01/2018 – 09/2019

Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®


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