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Sebastian Podleska
Erfurt, Leipzig
I open spaces and accompany you in which the connection with yourself and other people, with touch as language and movement as expression, can merge into a healing and insightful path to yourself.
I love life. I love real and true contact between people. I stand for a healing connection to myself and to others. I am building a world in which people recognize themselves and others in their depth, in which they are protected and held, and from which they use their creativity and effectiveness for each other and for life on this earth.
Dates & Facts
seit 2014 Gewaltfreie Kommunikation (CNVC)
seit 2017 Gruppenarbeit und Coaching
seit 2017 Contact Improvisation
seit 2018 Tantragruppen
seit 2020 Sexualcoaching und Paarberatung
English, German -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
01/2017 – now
03/2014 – now
01/2019 – 04/2022
09/2019 – 09/2020
01/2018 – 12/2018
03/2014 – 06/2018