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Claudia Kamp
You can transform from different levels. From the physical-mental level with Tantra massages, Sexological Bodywork and bodywork, from the mental-traumatic level with Somatic Experiencing, Narm and from the spiritual level with Delta

When I had the experience of feeling MYSELF again during bodywork in 2003/4, of feeling how my body tells me in every situation how I feel about events, I suddenly became aware of how I was thinking instead of living. I was infected with Embodiment virus... and when I encountered Tantra, my path opened up before me.
My goal is not only to accompany you during touch experiences and somatic sexual coaching sessions, where I want to pick you up, take you on a journey to yourself, to accompany you into a space deep within you where you can let yourself go and just be.
I also see myself as a pioneer for a different way of dealing with yourself. Experiencing sexuality with others requires that you are in touch with yourself so that you can then come into contact with your partner through sexuality for more connection, devotion, tenderness, playfulness, high spirits and joy.
I can accompany you, pass on knowledge, go on a journey of discovery with you and much more...

Hello Claudia,
Through the Coaching I have received from you over the last 1 ½ years, I have realized what I want in the future and what I no longer want.
I had deep emotional experiences during the tantric massage, especially the intimate ones. These experiences would not have been possible through talk therapy alone.
The open atmosphere of conversation with you, with the mindfulness and the professional and protected framework that you offer, enabled me to experience my sexuality, touch and sensuality in a new way.
Coaching has made it possible for me to enter into a new relationship after years of being single. This would not have been possible without the many conversations I had with you during this time.
I realized that I no longer want to meet norms. I don't want to do anything just because I think that other people expect it of me, which I can't fulfill at that moment because I'm not myself.
Without the work you offer, I would not have become aware of this. And I would have always fallen back into the same pattern
Through your Coaching I have gained a whole new quality of life with my new relationship.
Best regards
Michael Knobloch

My name is Ramona. I am a mother of two children. After the birth of my second daughter 3 years ago, I started having pain in my lower abdomen that no one could explain. At first I was unable to stand and look after my children. After about half a year, the pain had reduced to such an extent that I "only" felt it after having sex with my husband. I sought advice from my midwife at the time, but unfortunately she was unable to help me. I went to a conventional doctor, but he was also unable to help me. My last hope was physiotherapy. But even that was unable to help me to be pain-free in the long term. After that, I was very frustrated at first because my sex life was very limited. Recently, a book made me aware of tantric massages. I searched the internet for a suitable facility that I could trust to deal with my problem. Fortunately, after a long search, I came across the TaYoLing website in Ulm and found Claudia Kamp there. The design of the website did not remind me of any dubious or dubious place, as I have seen on many other homepages, but of a professional establishment. I studied Claudia Kamp's CV and professional career and quickly came to the conclusion that Ms. Kamp has the necessary training and knowledge to be able to help me with my problems.
Already during the first conversation it was clear that this was highly professional work in the areas of sexuality, massage techniques, spirituality and energy work to heal various illnesses, not only on a physical level, but also on a mental level, as it turned out. Both have equally devastating effects on a person's life and personality.
Now, almost four years after the birth of my daughter, I can finally see that my body is developing for the better. The pain symptoms are gradually reducing and I have a new perspective on how to completely heal the wounds that the birth left behind, both mentally and physically.

Dear Claudia,
I can only recommend that everyone seek Claudia's advice. She creates enough space for your own needs and invites you to listen to yourself and discover your own possibilities, but also your limitations.
Best regards, Kim
Hello Claudia
The session had a strong effect on me. I was left with a lot of impressions...it takes me a while to process something like that.
Anyway, as I said to you on Wednesday evening, I am very happy to have found you. It is an important step for me.
If I had waited any longer, I would have been very unhappy. I have to say that the bodywork in Biodanza and the experiences there within the group played a very important role in opening me up to this form of therapy. I couldn't have imagined it just a few months ago. I was all the more surprised that, despite my previous excitement, I felt so comfortable with you. The excitement disappeared as soon as you opened the door for me.
The initial conversation touched me deeply and also moved me. You were able to guide me very well in getting to the important topics. Even though I know that it means "work", I am relieved to get to the bottom of these body and soul issues. Who knows what else will emerge in the process. I feel like I am in good hands with you, so I am not afraid of it (anymore).
On to the "practical" part: Well, the pelvic floor was veeeery tense: I don't need to write anything more about that :) I enjoyed the other forms of touching: it was simply beautiful, relaxed, light, flowing and at times tingling and electrifying.
I also became aware that I am under enormous pressure to perform sexually. Shit! But how! My dear Yoni is completely unsettled by it. She just wants to be.
So I have the feeling that it is really important for me to let go of the idea that something has to "happen". At least that's what my yoni whispered in my ear during the massage. She just wants to be able to enjoy herself in silence, without feeling the need to be super-aroused right away. Easier said than done. Letting go of my own and other people's expectations in this regard... I think I'll have to practice that for a while.
Otherwise: The anger towards my partner increased in the days after the session. Or rather, I could feel it more clearly. But with that came new strength. And confidence.
You accompanied me in everything in a sensitive, experienced way: I had the feeling of protection, closeness and security and at the same time my personal (experience) space remained untouched. That is an art.
Thank you :)
I am happy and excited for the next time.
Warmest regards, A.
Dates & Facts
Examinierte Krankenschwester 1986- 89
Körperarbeit seit 2003/04
Tantramassagen seit 2012
Sexological Bodywork seit 10/2015
Tantraseminare seit 2016
English, German -
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV® (AZ)
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Yoni Healing (Elvira Malinovskaa)
Background & Training
08/2024 – 09/2025
08/2022 – 09/2023
10/2020 – 05/2022
09/2021 – 10/2021
03/2018 – 09/2020
02/2016 – 05/2017
10/2016 – 12/2016
07/2015 – 06/2016
10/2008 – 12/2008
10/1986 – 09/1989
TaYoLing - berührt sein, Zentrum für ganzheitliches Körperbewusstsein
Georgstr. 2
89077 Ulm
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