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tantra-massage nürnberg mona
Rike Juli 2020

Ulrike Görz

Nürnberg, Berlin

Main offers: somatic sexuality coaching for women, sexual counseling


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Sexual energy is life energy and it is my deep conviction that every person has a right to their own sexuality. If you like, I would be happy to accompany you on the path to discovering yours more deeply, differently or in a new way.


Sexual Counseling
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women


During the massage, I create a space of trust. Here you can find yourself and your sensuality, however it wants to express itself.
My touches accompany you as you surrender to feeling and delve into your inner self. I invite you on a journey to yourself. Because you are an adventure.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit Dezember 2016 Tantramassagen

    Seit November 2017 somatisches Sexualitätscoaching für Frauen

    Seit Januar 2020 Sexualberatung in eigenen Räumen

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

    Perlentor Yoni-Massage Practitioner (Nhanga Grunow)

Background & Training

07/2017 – now

Assistenzen bei TantraConnection

11/2017 – 09/2019

Fortbildung in beziehungsdynamischer Sexualtherapie


SET (Sexuelle Tiefenentspannung)

03/2017 – 11/2018

Perlentor Yoni-Massage Practitioner (Nhanga Grunow)


Gesundheitspraktikerin für Sexualkultur (zertifiziert)

07/2016 – 10/2017

Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®


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Roritzerstraße 27
90419 Nürnberg
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