Jessica Münzhardt
Berlin- Kreuzberg/Mitte
Sexological bodywork gives space for processes and evolution regarding problematic issues and tabu subjects around our sexuality. Personal development takes places because of so called somatic learning, we learn through the body.

In a world which tells us that our mind and intellect is the ruler , we tend to forget to (re-)connect to our marvellous body. i feel like an advocate to remember to revitalize the connection to this body, because tremendous happiness and richness of sensations can be found here. To free and unleash to our erotic potential, processes and paths need to be taken sometimes . I am here in service to support with skills, understanding, professionalism, understanding and kindness to take these paths and to have transforming processes.
Dates & Facts
2018 as a sexological bodyworker
2005 as a bodyworker since i finished my healing practitioner education
2010 i started to give tantra massages after several tantra education programs
English, German, Spanish -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
03/2012 – 03/2013
09/2002 – 11/2012
02/2001 – 01/2004
NaimaJessica Münzhardt
10963 Berlin- Kreuzberg/Mitte
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