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Tantra Massage Berlin H Rose
Claudia Tantra Massage Berlin


Berlin, Paris, Barcelona

Main offers: Tantric bodywork, shiatsu massage, pregnancy and pelvic floor massage, horse-assisted coaching and workshops

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'There is a crack in everything that's where the light gets in'
(Leonard Cohen)


Sexual Counseling
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Classes and Workshops
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48 A2556

For many years I have been experiencing and exploring the diverse possibilities of the art of massage. I have experienced again and again the transformative, magical, life-affirming and helpful powers that touch and loving presence have.

Touch is communication with all the senses, it is a language that can be much more subtle than words, a celebration in honor of our sensual being. It can trigger the activation and regeneration of our own powers and be a deeply sensual and very concrete experience of intimacy and love.

We all came into being in relationships and touch, we developed there, we were hurt there and we are healed there.

Physical touch and closeness, sensuality and sexuality (what a cold word for a whole, multi-layered universe), these are areas that in many societies are unfortunately still filled with negative conditioning, hurtful and limiting experiences, insecurities, shame and limiting ideas that get in our way rather than serving us. At the same time, our sexual power and the way we experience relationships is deeply connected to our physical, mental and emotional well-being, as well as the source of creativity, security and freedom.

In a massage ritual and our conversations, you will have the opportunity to experience yourself with loving presence for everything that is currently moving you, to get to know yourself better and to connect with your inner self. Perhaps you can (re)discover something new or something you have long forgotten and feel the positive influence in other areas of your life as well.

Treat yourself to this gift and give it to your wonderful body, which is always there for you. Your satisfaction enriches your entire environment and you go through life more relaxed and stronger.

All sensation / bondage massage

I understand the influence of BDSM as a form of communication and play in which we explore together the various psychosexual facets of yourself.

Retained feelings, wishes and desires find their place and can be reflected and lived out playfully.

In many ancient cultures, experiences of pain or limits and consciously leaving one's own comfort zone (Indian initiation rites, among yogis, in many spiritual practices) are an essential part of human experience and development. There is sometimes a longing to let go more deeply, to experience trust, or to move from the everyday state into a kind of intoxication that can have a transformative effect. The facets of BDSM and tantric art can help here and unleash a self-empowering and liberating effect.

I look forward to getting to know you and accompanying you sensitively on your journey through body and mind.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 2012 Arbeit und Forschung mit tantrischer Körperarbeit, BDSM und explorativen Räumen für Sexualität und Beziehungspflege

    Seit 2016 mit eigener Praxis im Raum 13 in Berlin und Paris

    Leitung von Workshops und Retreats rund ums Thema Liebe, Sex und Natur

  • Languages

    English, German, Spanish, French
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training

01/2023 – now

3-jährige Shiatsuausbildung bei Harald Gierl, Berlin

09/2021 – now

Womens Pelvic Floor Training mit Martin Beaudoin, Berlin

01/2012 – now

Arbeit mit Tantramassagen und BDSM -Ritualen und Pferdegestütztes coaching


Thai-yogamassage, passives Yoga, Yogavidya, Bad Meinberg


Schwangerschaftsmassage bei Nadine Enid und Sophie Hauk, Berlin


Weiterbildung Hakomi mit Helga Holzapfel, Berlin


Shiatsu und Bondage, René Zechmeister, Berlin


Hypnomassage, bei Ysel, Paris


Fortbildung bei kamala Mara/Berlin Tantramassage

10/2011 – 01/2017

Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®


Seminar Atemkontrolle mit Robert Kriz, Köln


Dearmoringmassage mit Vojta Chladeck, Berlin


Lomi-Lomi-Massage bei Anja Goralski, Berlin


Kamasutramassage mit Andro, Diamond Lotus, Berlin


BDSM-Hypnose mit Undine, Hamburg


Bewegung, Leichtigkeit u. Hingabe in der Tantramassage, Gitta Arntzen u. Marcel Kern, Köln


Liberty Fortbildug mit Klara Luhmen, Berlin


Varianten im Eingangsritual, Spiel und Intuition während der Massage mit Iris u. Christine


Profiweiterbildung Yoni-Massage u. Sexuelle Energie Meditation mit Andrea Silvanus, Ananda


Dozentin auf der Xplore, Festival der Kunst der Lust, Berlin


Vaginale Lust (Fisting), Coach Lea, Ananda


Power of Play mit Klara Luhmen und Kristina Marlen, Köln


Tantra und BDSM bei Felix Ruckert und Eva Kreimendahl, Schwelle 7, Berlin


Tanz-Ausdruck-Improvisation Tanzprojekt mit Raksan, Berlin


Einführung in die erotische Hypnose mit Jay, Schwelle 7, Berlin

01/2007 – 01/2012

Studium der Romanistik, Völkerkunde und Pädagogik der Kindheit

01/2010 – 01/2011

Weiterbildung in systemischer Familienaufstellung bei Vlado Ilic und Dietrich Weth


Tantra und Contact Improvisation bei Felix Ruckert und Sabine Sonnenschein, Schwelle 7, Be


Rebalancing Seminar, Zentrum für sexuelle Bildung, Dresden


Tantramassage Ausbildung Level 1-3, Zentrum für Sexuelle Bildung, Dresden


Trainerin für Kommunikation mit Menschen und Pferden bei Sabine Keilwerth, Neustadt a.d. A


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