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Ilka Stoedtner
Graduate social worker (FH) and general alternative practitioner (TCM) with many years of therapeutic experience (practice opened in 1994). Regular training courses, including with Dr. David Schnarch, Sexocorporell and trauma therapy.

Tantra, which is more than a thousand years old, also offers its knowledge to us open-minded people today as an opportunity for personal growth. It describes the energetic relationships, the unity of all being as a source for a pleasurable and ecstatic existence that continuously experiences its potential. Tantra is neither religion nor dogma, but an individual journey that ends in freedom.
My approach is a very fiery, emotional variant of Tantra. It connects you with your feelings and promotes clarity and independence in daily life. And it opens up compassion to the core. Suppressed feelings often lie like a veil over reality and permanently cloud perception and the joy of life. They prevent closeness, involvement and deep, fulfilling encounters. In Tantra you have the opportunity to shed your skin like a snake: to recognize and feel the entanglements. Awareness creates space for freedom. The more you become master of your house again, the more you know all the corners and rooms, the more you can work with your energies: the liberated sexual energy is available to you as a companion for everyday projects or for spiritual practice.
Beyond consumption, Tantra is based on the cultivation of sexuality, more than that, it is about increasing energy and the sacred aspect of sexual being. In Tantra, the body is worshipped. Likewise, Shiva and Shakti (the divine core that is located beyond the personal, in man and woman) enjoy the greatest reverence and respect.
Encounters that are based on such an attitude are becoming increasingly rare in today's circumstances, with performance stress and prejudice. The Tantra seminars offer insights into my work, and questions about love and sexuality are examined from a tantric perspective. To anticipate a question that may arise: There are no "naked sessions" or sexual interactions in the short, two-day weekend seminars. All that is required is the willingness to be as present as possible.
body therapy
The focus is on intensive body work. Exercises from bioenergetics, holotropic breathing, rebirthing and elements from tantra yoga are used. Professional and individual corrections help to ensure that very noticeable effects can occur even after a short seminar.
For beginners, this is where a sweaty time begins: this is an absolute must at the beginning in order to soften what is rigid and frozen. The work always begins on your own "armor" and increases your touchability and your power. Yoga practices give you more freedom of movement after just a short time. A large number of guided, emotional sessions lead you back to yourself again and again and bring your issues to the surface.
Modern bioenergetics and sex therapy uses the fundamental experiences and concepts of the Austrian sex researcher Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen, his American student (bioenergetic analysis). There is a consensus that, in the course of their development, humans fend off feelings that are too much or too indigestible for the system as a whole. This results in people "armoring" themselves over the course of their lives. Most of the time, those involved do not notice it themselves. However, the so-called "armoring" can also become visible, for example in the sexual area. A common issue in men, for example, is the inability to experience pleasure for longer (praecox). In women, it can manifest itself as an orgasm disorder, for example.
Modern bioenergetics and sex therapy uses classic bioenergetic exercises and postures from yoga. To restore the unity of breathing, voice and movement, music and speech are used to support the process. The time and duration of repetition differs depending on the length of the exercise.
Interaction of Tantra, Body Therapy and Bioenergetics
The foundation of the seminars is formed by proven methods from bioenergetics and yoga as well as tantric techniques. The combination of modern western and eastern methods helps to release and safely increase life energy! An absolute special feature is the professional instruction and at the same time the compassionate connection of the leader with the group.
All exercises are powerful tools that can also be practiced later on alone. Tantra requires mutual consideration and respect as a prerequisite for dealing with one another.
Tantra rituals
Tantric rituals are very important in the Tantra seminars and especially in the Tantric Matrix annual training. Each longer seminar culminates in this. The Tantra rituals are often very bombastic and are characterized by sensual and magnificent staging. There has always been a phase of purification beforehand, which in earlier times consisted of fasting. We use modern methods to clear the body and mind and thus sit at the same table with the gods. This is why rituals only take place in longer seminars or the Tantric Matrix annual training. Nudity is a requirement there.
Dates & Facts
seit 2016 : Ridhwan School von A.H. Almaas, Diamond Approach
2011: Fortbildung bei Krishnanada (Dr. Thomas Trobe) und Amana Trobe, Learning Love Institute, Arizona
2009-2010: Studium des Buddhismus (Universität Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Bikkhu Analayo)
2007-2010: Fortbildung zu EMDR und Traumatherapie (Manfred Dlouhy, Facharzt für Naturheilkunde, Ausbilder für psychosomatische Medizin)
2005-2007: 3-jährige Praxis des „EBE” nach Daniel Barron
1999-2004: 5-jährige Ausbildung zur Tantralehrerin bei Advaita Maria Bach Ausbildung zur Primärtherapeutin
1996: Ausbilderin für Tantramassagen, Trainerin für Taiji Chuan und Qi Gong
1994: Praxiseröffnung für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM), Abschluss als Allgemeine Heilpraktikerin
1990-1998: Ausbildung in tantrischen Massagetechniken, Seminare bei Andro (Diamond Lotus Institut), 3 Jahre tantrische Lebensgemeinschaft
1990-1996: Ausbildung in Tui Na, Thaimassage, Hand- und Fußreflexzonenmassage, Akupunkt-Massage nach Penzel
1987-1990: Mitarbeiterin bei HYDRA e.V. und im Gesundheitsamt Schöneberg (nachgehende Krankenfürsorge, Schwerpunkt: Aids-Projekt)
1985-1989: Studium der Sozialpädagogik an der FH Berlin, Abschluss als Diplom-Sozialpädagogin
English, German -
Sexocorporel Sexual Therapy Training
Background & Training
01/2014 – now
01/2012 – now
01/2003 – now
Ilka Stoedtner Praxis für TCM und Körperpsychotherapie
Bautzener Str. 3
10829 Berlin
030 120 90 154
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