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mareen tantra BDSM massage berlin
Mareen Tantra Massage Berlin BDSM

Mareen Scholl


Main offers: Sexological Bodywork . Tantra massage. Somatic body therapy. Holistic Bodywork . TAO. Constellation work. Parts work

0 176 10 320 742


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Somatically based, process-oriented, gender and kink aware, trauma-sensitive and therapy-accompanying. Individual work, relationship constellations, workshops, training, intensive personal Coaching .


Sexological Bodywork
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes
Other offers


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I accompany people with their heart's desires: to bring their visions into the world and to embody their essence. My focus is on supporting people of all genders and sexual orientations in discovering and deepening their sexuality and living more consciously in body, mind and desire. I want to inspire people to live a meaningful and self-determined life and open up an experience of being connected. With my courses, I create playful and healing spaces for diversity, connection and encounter. She is trained in various forms of bodywork and massage as well as trauma-oriented holistic bodywork and therapy. With free constellation and parts work, I bring intuitively moving inner landscapes to light and locate people in space and time/lessness. With my many years of experience with Tao, kink, BDSM and in sex-positive experimental spaces, I accompany people in differentiated spaces on different levels of their pleasure and meaningful being.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Biete Einzelarbeit, Workshopleitungen und Ausbildung in bewusstseinsorientierter Arbeit mit Körper, Geist und Sexualität.

    Forschend wie lehrend im Bereich Conscious Kink, Körperkünste und BDSM vor allem in der Schwelle 7 von Felix Ruckert, Berlin.

    Mitbegründerin des Instituts für somatische Bildung, Sexualität und Körperarbeit ISBBerlin

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

07/2016 – now

Sexological Bodywork Professional Training Berlin Teacherteam

02/2016 – now

traumasensitive Frauengruppen mit Dipl.Psych. Annette Bertschi zu sog. sex. Dysfunktionen

11/2015 – now

Ausbildung traumaorientiertes Holistic Bodywork mit Pacal Beaumart

10/2015 – now

fortlaufende Weiterbildung somatische Sexualberatung, mit Didi Liebold

05/2019 – 05/2020

Diplomlehrgang Sexological Bodywork + Somatic Sex Education CSB


Ausbildung im Pantarei Approach

02/2017 – 12/2017

1-jährige Ausbildung Lomi Lomi-Massage mit Anja & Jana Goralski/Lomi Ausbildung Berlin

07/2015 – 11/2015

Sexbod Training Berlin Assistant Teacher, mit Didi Liebold, Janine Hug, Joseph Kramer,

02/2014 – 02/2015

Holon-Jahrestraining der Gesellschaft für angewandte Tiefenökologie nach Joanna Macy


Tantramassage. Jana Reinwarth (Mandelmilch & Safran) und Jörg Jungwirth (Ganzheitlich Ich)


Assistenz Tao Massage. Udo Treide, Schwelle 7 Berlin


Contact Improvisation und tantrische Massage. Klara Luhmen und Felix Ruckert, Schwelle 7


Das Tor zum Leben. Intimmassage der Frau. Brigitta Jecko + Manu Roland Meier ISSB Zürich

03/2013 – 10/2013

Sexbod Level II (Somatic Sex) Educator Kopenhagen, Didi Liebold, Janine Hug, Joseph Kramer


Genital Chi week. Udo Treide, Schwelle 7 Berlin


SMassage. Christine Borch und Ancsa Szophia Überhardt, Schwelle 7 Berlin

12/2011 – 06/2013

Certified Sexological Bodyworker


Lomi Lomi Nui. Ancsa Szophia Überhardt, Schwelle 7 Berlin


0 176 10 320 742

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Holzmarktstraße 25
10243 Berlin-Mitte/Friedrichshain
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