Cosmo Meens
Victoria B.C Canada
I am a Certified Somatic Sex Educator and I offer sessions to all genders as individuals or couples. I also work at and facilitate sensual retreats. Helping folks access pleasure in their bodies is a passion of mine.
I began this work while learning how to heal my own shame around sexuality. I learned how beautiful it felt in my body to walk around without carrying shame in regards to my desires. I knew in my heart I had found a calling that I wanted to share with others.
I have a company with my wife (Caitlin K Roberts) who is also a Somatic Sex Educator called Happy Touch Healing Inc.
I now offer sensual retreats for Men through The Apollo project lauching in Spring 2019
Back to The Body: Sensual Retreats for Woman
I currently work as a practitioner with Back to the Body Sensual Retreats for Woman
Dates & Facts
I began working with Individual clients in September 2017 and Gorups in August of 2017
English -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
03/2017 – 09/2017
Happy Touch Healing Inc.
28 Lotus Street
V9A-1P4 Victoria B.C Canada
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