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Casia Sobolewski

Victoria, BC, Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada

Main offers: Somatic Sex Education & Sacred Intimacy


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Casia works intimately with people to support them in accessing pleasure in their bodies. She offers one-way touch sessions, or entering into an unfolding sacred intimacy container.


Sexual Counseling
Sexological Bodywork
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes
Other offers


Sex Coach Victoria Bc
i identify as a queer, non-disabled, introverted, polyamorous, kink-positive, and married, cis-femme. i am a mother to one and step-mother to three. i am a devoted sister, daughter, friend, and partner.

hello! my name is Casia (Cash-a) and my pronouns are she/her.

i ADORE the work that i get to play in every day with unique and incredible humans. i love calling forth truth, embodiment, pleasure, attunement, connection, PLAY.

i knew at the age of 15 that themes around sexuality were incredibly compelling to me. i like to tell people that if i had known this job was an option, i definitely would’ve have chosen it then. however, i thoroughly enjoyed the process of getting to discover this incredible field of work.

at 21 i began running ‘Body Pride’ workshops, in which i would invite strangers and friends to come together and get naked in a casual, non-erotic setting, to talk about our bodies and sex and relationships, culminating in a naked dancing photoshoot. this workshop was turned into a short documentary that has been submitted to international film festivals.

these workshops introduced me to many like-minded humans that quickly became friends and business partners. a group of us formed a queer community events company called “I’d Tap That” and collectively we hosted gatherings in Toronto for over 3 years.

in turn, this inspired us to begin “Spit,” a queer alternative porn company, producing feminist content that was in alignment and powered by the people in our community. after winning multiple awards from the Feminist Porn Awards, Spit is currently being run by the porn extraordinaire, Malcolm Lovejoy.

all of these projects inspired me to get ‘legit’ and i completed my Holistic Sex Educator certification, received training from the International Professional Surrogates Association, and got certified as a Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker.

i now work 1:1 with clients in supporting them in accessing the abundant and delicious pleasure that lives in their bodies that is often numbed or unnoticed due to patterns of trauma, impacts of the patriarchy and capitalism, or a lack of education. i LOVE this work because we don’t just talk about feeling pleasure, we actually just work on feeling pleasure in session, and THIS is how you change the body and the brain.

Testimonial Love:

"I came to see Casia after it was recommended to me by a close friend that I look in to somatic sex therapy. He claimed that the work around his sexuality was some of the most important that he had done for himself, and as I trust him deeply I thought it was worth exploring.

At the time of my first appointment with Casia I was experiencing waves of new energy/emotions that I had no vocabulary for, and the only thing I did know was that holding on to and/or repressing this energy had only led to suffering. From the very first session with Casia I was guided through the world of consent, touch, energy, desire, and sexuality with an emphasis on personal boundaries, mutual respect, and kindness. It’s hard for me to imagine a person better suited to work in this chosen field than her.

As of my writing this, the lessons learned and exercises I’ve been shown have not only improved my personal sexual well being, they have also made notable improvements in my home life and relationships with others. I can only image what growing up in a more sex positive household will do for our children as they grow through the years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and have the best day :)”

Dates & Facts

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

06/2017 – now

Intern Surrogate Partner, International Professional Surrogates Association

03/2015 – 04/2018

Certified Sex Educator, Institute of Sexuality Education & Enlightenment

04/2017 – 09/2017

Certified Sexological Bodyworker


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