Ron Stewart
Cobble Hill, BC. Canada
Ron Stewart is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and Somatic Sex Educator with Somatic Experiencing training. Co-founder of Back to the Body sensual retreats for women, he hosts clients for private retreats from his Vancouver Island home.

Ron Stewart is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and Somatic Sex Educator. Through his work, he wants to see the world change from a culture of silence about bodies, sex, and pleasure to one of honest dialogue, conversation, and personal empowerment. He regards Somatic Sex Education and the potential towards our culture’s deeper authentic understanding of pleasure and creative erotic energy to be a key towards deep earth healing.
As Co-founder of Back to the Body sensuous retreats for women, Ron has led 35 women’s retreats since 2011 and offered 700 sessions, helping women to learn more about their bodies, pleasure and reclaiming erotic confidence. These immersion retreats teach attendees to treasure themselves, divine their own wants and desires and to then, bask in arousal.
His studies in Somatic Experiencing facilitate Ron’s skills of attunement and ability to explore and guide clients to unwinding trauma held in the body.
Ron’s background as a yoga teacher, founding Skyclad in 2005, as well as his history as one of Canada’s prominent male contemporary dance artists invite creativity, strong mind/body awareness and playful curiosity into his sessions and approach to his work. Exploring wellness and healing through discovery of pleasure.
His practice is open to a wide range of clients.
Dates & Facts
I have been working with individuals and groups since 2005
English -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
01/1985 – now
01/2012 – 03/2015
05/2012 – 10/2012
05/2011 – 11/2011
09/2004 – 09/2005
Skyclad Somatics & Wellness Inc.
3500 Ravencrest Rd
V0R1L4 Cobble Hill, BC. Canada
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