Chris Muse
Denver, CO
I support people to come home to their essential erotic nature in Denver, CO and online.

I am devoted to helping people remember their belonging so they may reside more fully in themselves and the World. I recognize that as people form deeper relationships with their bodies and a greater understanding of their sexuality, they gain insight into every other aspect of their lives. My approach with clients is experimental and experiential, following moment-to-moment curiosities in a compassionate, safe space for exploration. Helping people liberate themselves from shame, guilt, trauma, anxiety, limiting beliefs, and seemingly endless patterns of abuse is a calling that’s life affirming and incredibly rewarding.
Dates & Facts
Sexological Bodyworker 7+ years with 15+ years experience in authentic relating, sexual studies, somatic mindfulness, and psychology.
Member ACSB, 2017-today
English -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
06/2018 – now
01/2017 – now
06/2023 – 09/2023
11/2022 – 01/2023
01/2022 – 04/2022
03/2018 – 06/2018
01/2017 – 10/2017
03/2016 – 08/2016
01/2005 – 08/2011
80211 Denver, CO
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