Tantra Massage Intimacy Coach
Intimacy Coach Tantra Los Angeles

Connie Eberhart

Boulder, CO

Main offers: Sexological Bodyworker, Sex+Intimacy Coach, Master Trainer in the Erotic Blueprints™


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Assisting individuals and couples to heal, deepen and expand their erotic expression, including the exploration of the their Erotic Blueprint™: Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky and Shapeshifter.


Sexual Counseling
Sexological Bodywork
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes
Other offers


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On surface, it could look like I help people to have better sex lives…but really I point people back to the essence of who they are. Our bodies and our lives consist of a stream of expansion and contraction. Our desires and longings can provide an experience of softening, opening and expansion, while fear and protection mechanisms that are built into our nervous system can create contraction and shutting down….or a series of other protection mechanisms, as well.

Our sexual expression simply seems to be a doorway to people coming face-to-face with where they might shut down and contract, and how they might live into the fullest expression of themselves!

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Experiential Education/Leadership Training (25+ years)

    Apprenticeship with Jaiya, 2014 onward

    Bondassage™ Practitioner, 2015, Now a Trainer

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker, 2016 & 2018

    STREAM certified, with Ellen Heed, 2018

    Certified Accelerated Evolution Transformation Coach, 2019

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

10/2017 – now

Erotic Blueprint™ Lead Coach + Master Trainer
Certified Sexological Bodyworker


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Sacred Embodiment
2525 Arapahoe Avenue
80302 Boulder, CO
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