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Dagmar Kotzian


Main offers: Health practitioner BfG & lecturer sexual culture, sexual coaching, tantric body & energy work

01573 9037111


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Love your sensual-erotic self.
I offer support through conversation, Coaching and bodywork - partly also possible online.


Sexual Counseling
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes
Other offers


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Only together can we move from having sex to living a healthy sexuality.

That is why I work with all people who want my support in their sexual personality development

My focus is on individual couples and singles over 50, whom I familiarize with the changes of mature sexuality in my touch school or self-love coaching, so that they can explore new paths and the joy of sexuality can return.

Feedback from a client after a very dynamic massage:

"Tantra says that ecstasy is the primal state, not something that needs to be brought about, but something that is always there and it is simply a matter of allowing it.

Radical acceptance. The most intense emotions await at the gate to lasting ecstasy. This requires a counterpart and the certainty of being well looked after and held.

That is what I thank you for. What is really fortunate for me is the relaxed and easy way in which you convey this. It looks like a long and enjoyable journey."

Elements of my training and further education since 2004 are intuitively incorporated into my consultations and Coachings - viewable at https://www.dagmarkotzian.de/uebermich.htm

I don't like time pressure when it comes to appointments, so I only do one massage or one Coaching lasting several hours a day.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Seit 2009 Erfahrung mit Körperarbeit

    Seit 2012 Tantramasseurin

    Seit 2012 Gesundheitspraktikerin (BfG) Prävention

    Seit 2012 Seminarleitung

    Seit 2013 Gesundheitspraktikerin (BfG) Persönlichkeitsbildung & Sexualität

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Perlentor Yoni-Massage Practitioner (Nhanga Grunow)

Background & Training

01/2024 – now

Weiterbildung psychologische Beratung / Paarcoach SGD

02/2012 – now

Zertifizierung Gesundheitspraktikerin (BfG)

11/2021 – 03/2022

Neurographik Spezialistin

05/2013 – 07/2018

Perlentor Yoni-Massage Practitioner (Nhanga Grunow)

01/2014 – 10/2016

Assistenz in der Tantramassage- und Perlentorausbildung bei N. Grunow

04/2016 – 05/2016



Hormonmassage bei Nhanga Grunow + Melanie Fritz


Tantramassage nach Andro Basic


Blissfull Bondage bei Kristina Marlen


Flug des Phönix bei Nhanga Grunow und Didi Liebold


Im Haus des Mondes bei Nhanga Grunow


Im Zentrum des Zyklon bei Nhanga Grunow und Didi Liebold


Magische Momente bei Nhanga Grunow und Didi Liebold


Sinnliche Reise bei Nhanga Grunow


SET sexuelle Tiefenentspannung bei Nhanga Grunow


Joyfull Touch bei Nhanga Grunow

04/2011 – 03/2012

Ausbildung Phonophorese / Tonpunktur


TAO Massage bei Nhanga Grunow



09/2009 – 12/2009

Massage- und Wellnesstherapeutin

02/2004 – 08/2005

Feng Shui Beraterin SGD


01573 9037111

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Dagmar Kotzian
Alte Magazinstr. 11
76771 Hördt
07272 9809780
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