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Sophia Tabor

Liestal, Wil sg

Main offers: sexual counseling, sexological bodywork

+41 77 409 64 72


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I offer online and offline intim counseling and bodywork sessions for higher wellbeing, finer life, harmony and fulfillment.


Sexual Counseling
Sexological Bodywork
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Online Practitioner / Online Classes


I believe that each of us has a clear and strong gutly compass about what truly and deeply fulfills us in life - inside and out. I also believe that refining and staying harmonised with this signal is a core element of a deeply fulfilled life.

Somatic work adresses this scope in us quite directly, and a deep work with it fast shows that life and sexuality cannot be separated into two parts. If we want to explore and refine our erotic identity, we have to adress our general identity, too.

 Our gutly system is able to change, refine and develop. Adressing it with expertise can bring effective solutions.

I would like to change thinking from good and bad to what serves you and what doesn't. What brings you closer to your deep desires and what doesn't. I would like to empower people to make conscious choices in their sexuality to support them, to take a leap from observers to masters and creators of their system.

I believe in radical acceptance and deep understanding. Passion in life and thriving towards our goal, meanwhile enjoying the journey.

I would like to support my clients to feel confident in their sexuality, and build a stable and fulfilling acces to joy, relaxation and pleasure in their own body. I guide my clients into a more integrated, mature and authentic erotic state and focus.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    I started to work with individuals (mostly with men) in 2019 March

    I started to work in bigger groups (as assistant) in 2021 Sept and in smaller groups (as leader) in 2022 Sept

  • Languages

    English, Hungarian
  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

03/2019 – now

One on One bodywork sessions

09/2022 – 05/2024

Sexual Bodyworker training by hungarian Sexpositive Foundation

10/2021 – 10/2023

Erotic and sexual massage studies by hungarian Sexpositive Foundation

09/2021 – 06/2023

Assistant at somatic sexual self-knowledge courses

05/2018 – 05/2020

Participating in erotic massage courses as receiving model

07/2018 – 10/2019

Certified Sexological Bodyworker

05/2018 – 03/2019

Certification in Sexological Bodywork

09/2017 – 05/2018

OSHO somatic meditation facilitator; ISTA Practitioner Training
Experimental course: Intim Guide by hungarian Conscious Sexuality Foundation (closed)


+41 77 409 64 72

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4410 Liestal
+41 77 409 64 72
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9500 Wil sg
+41 77 409 64 72
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