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Iva Samina
Berlin / Prenzlauer Berg
I would be happy to accompany and support you in exploring new perspectives and paths towards yourself, your body wisdom, sensuality and desire.

I love to touch you on a cognitive, emotional and physical level with my warmth, joy of experimentation, wisdom, depth and playfulness. In my work I provide impulses and open up a non-judgmental space for you and your resonance.
I myself grew up in very different contexts and environments between Germany and Italy and, in addition to my knowledge as a sexologist, I draw on my wealth of experience as a naturopath, coach, hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing birth preparation instructor, very young mother of three daughters and curious body and sexuality researcher. One focus of my work is the consideration of the "feminine principle", away from the dominance of rational thinking and analysis towards allowing softness, intuition, relaxation and slowness. A few years ago I launched "IVA Samina - Space for Conscious Sexuality".
Guest feedback:
"She inspires, she grounds and elevates at the same time, she creates a warm circle around herself in which one can remain comfortable. IVA Samina - Unfold Your S.xuality has achieved and created something - a space in which people merge with their own body, their own soul, their own sexuality and become self-centered and co-centered: become one with themselves, ... and yet open up to the other person and nature, thus UNFOLDING." sexo-logica
"Iva is an extraordinary woman who I have such a high level of respect and admiration for. I have found working with her in the area of sexological bodywork as genuinely profound, and that doing so has opened a space of deep healing, self-connection and empowerment for me that has had a hugely positive impact on my life. She creates a beautiful space for the work, and exemplifies true expertise, connection, care and wisdom in her way of being with people. I found that Iva understands and deeply embodies the power of the feminine to support healing and awakening through working with sexual energy and the body. I trust her fully, and feel great gratitude for the privilege it has been to work with her." Jon
"Iva is creating a better world. Because she teaches women to feel better in their bodies and to find their way. Because she explains to men that bodies function differently than in porn. Iva's work reduces aggression, frustration and stupid expectations. I would send Iva to every school class in the world to make it clear to the kids that it's all about togetherness. This wonderful woman does peace, happiness and meaning work - nothing more can be done." Dr. Hajo Schumacher
Dates & Facts
Heilpraktikerin, Coaching, Hypnotherapeutin, Tantramasseurin, Sexological Bodyworkerin, Self:Cervix, Moon Mother®
English, German, Spanish, Italian -
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV® (AZ)
Background & Training
03/2017 – now
05/2012 – now
04/1996 – now
05/2018 – 01/2019
10/2017 – 09/2018
03/2017 – 06/2017
03/2016 – 09/2016
02/2015 – 03/2015
01/2014 – 12/2014
05/2012 – 11/2012
08/2011 – 04/2012
10/2010 – 12/2011
02/2011 – 05/2011
10/2013 – 03/2011
06/2009 – 05/2010
Iva Samina
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Berlin / Prenzlauer Berg
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