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Tantra-Massage und Sexualberatung München und Allgäu

Jonas Ammann

Kaufbeuren, München

Main offers: Sexual coaching and sexological bodywork, tantric massages (TMV), Gestalt therapy, systemic constellations



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Sexuality begins in feeling myself and in the relationship with my own body. As sexological Bodyworker, tantric masseur and Gestalt therapist, I accompany you with love and presence on the path to yourself and your potential.


Sexual Counseling
Sexological Bodywork
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes


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Developing your own potential

My learning and life path

I originally studied chemistry and worked in food inspection for many years. From the outside, it looked as if I had everything it took for a "good life". But my heart wasn't in it. I lacked vitality, real enthusiasm and a feeling of deep meaning. At the age of thirty, I decided to quit my job and set myself free. I set off without really knowing where I wanted to go and trusted life. It was the best decision of my life. To this day, I have never regretted it for a single day. That was the beginning of a wonderful journey to myself and to what I am doing in and with my life today.

​In my relationships, but also in physical encounters with people, such as massages, cuddling or sexual contact, I have discovered with astonishment that my touches sometimes trigger very intense reactions in the other person. Some have become deeply relaxed as a result, others have opened up emotionally, and still others have suddenly been able to accept themselves and their bodies better or have become ecstatic. For a long time, I felt deeply ashamed to talk openly about these experiences and thus also to accept this ability within myself. And at the same time, they fascinated me and wouldn't let go of me. It worked inside me for quite a while until one day I plucked up the courage to tell a friend about the idea of ​​becoming visible in the world and making touching my profession. Her answer was absolutely clear and touched me deep inside: "Jonas, it would be a waste for the world not to do that."

Shortly afterwards, without any previous experience or knowledge, I signed up for training as a tantric masseur TMV at the Zinnoberschule. My book instinct had not deceived me and just a year later I started training as sexological Bodyworker . Working in this field fills me deep in my soul, even if it can sometimes be very painful when I meet people who find me with really intense life stories. I wish from the bottom of my heart that I can do my part to ensure that sexuality and intimacy can be experienced as something beautiful, connecting and nourishing, and that people of all genders can find closer together again despite their many wounds.

​In recent years it has become increasingly clear to me that sexuality is the greatest resource and power of our human nature. Our very own creative and vital force. Those who know their needs and limits and can express them become independent and at the same time approachable. Those who recognize their identity and power as a sexual being can find satisfaction, connection and creativity in it. I am deeply convinced that this work is peace work at its core.

My philosophy:

Everything you need to grow and develop is and always has been within you - it's just waiting to be discovered, seen and accepted. There is nothing missing or that needs to be added.

​In order to explore and discover your inner self, you need contact with the outside world. In other words, an environment and a counterpart that is different from you. This is the only way you will become more and more aware of your own contours, limits, uniqueness and potential. I can be this counterpart for you.

As your companion, I feel like a gardener. I can support you by providing you with a conducive growing environment, but the germination, growth and blossoming are in your hands.

From "Sie" to "Du and I"

You may find it irritating that I address you directly with "you" on this page. My work with people is very close and intimate. For me, humility and respect for every person is a way of life and not a polite phrase. Every person is a miracle and every person has the right to dignity. I want to honor you in your uniqueness by addressing you and accompanying you directly, person to person. My work is very personal and it comes from my heart, from love for all living beings in this world. If it is important to you that I address you with "you", please let me know.

Free initial consultation

Would you like to try out one of my offers? Then book your free initial consultation .

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Sexological Bodywork seit 2023

    Ölrituale seit 2023 mit Gruppen

    Tantramassagen TMV seit 2024

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

    Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

Background & Training

09/2024 – now

Lern- und Ausbildungsbegleiter des Basislehrgangs Sexological Bodywork ISSB bei Manumagic

11/2021 – now

Ausbildung zum Tantramasseur TMV (bei der Zinnoberschule)

01/2024 – 12/2024

Lern- und Ausbildungsbegleiter der Tantramassageausbildung TMV bei der Zinnoberschule

10/2021 – 04/2024

Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

04/2021 – 03/2024

Ausbildung zum Gestalttherapeuten (im Gestaltforum Freiburg)

11/2022 – 02/2024

Certified Sexological Bodyworker

01/2022 – 11/2023

Systemische Aufstellungen ink. Supervisionsjahr (bei Wolfgang Bracht und Gudrun Laquai)


Gesundheitspraktiker für Sexualkultur DGAM (bei Cornelia Promny)


Herz, Sex & Spirit für Multiplikator:innen im Zegg


Tao Massage Grundlagenkurs nach Russel/Kolb (bei art to touch in Zürich)

07/2010 – 07/2013

Bachelor of Lifesciences an der FHNW Muttenz



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Jonas Ammann
Zum guten Brunnen 13b
87600 Kaufbeuren
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Geheimnisse des Tantra
Waldmeisterstraße 77
80935 München
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