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Freya Wolna


Main offers: Tantra Massage, Energy, Consciousness, Healing, Bliss

‭+48 517 643 295‬


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Tantra teacher and trainer with over 20 years of experience, life coach, body & breath worker. Certified Professional Tantra Massage Practitioner and Teacher Certified breathworker. Certified facilitator of OSHO meditations.


Sexual Counseling
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Other offers


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Freya Wolna


International Tantra teacher and a professional trainer with over 16 years of training experience, life coach, body&breath worker. Certified facilitator of OSHO meditations, certified professional Tantra Massage Therapist. Conducting trainings for men and women on sexuality & relationships, Tantra Massage Professional Trainings, Bioenergetics and sexual healing, Leading Tantra Women Circles, Cacao Ceremonies and Ecstatic Dance Evenings where she exercises her passion for shamanic meditation, DJ-ing and dancing. Freya’s powerful presence, integrity and feminine loving heart create safe space for transformation and growth.

In life, the only constant is change - Freya dynamically follows the challenges that come with life. After completing business studies at the University of Toronto, and her MBA for the first 10 years of her career she was a businesswoman – high ranked manager in large IT multinational corporation in the Central European Region. Later she became trainer and coach in her own company Meloway, and the founder and chief editor of the Internet portal After selling the platform, she has co-founded and has been the president of ngo: Practical Theatre Foundation, where she has been conducting trainings based on applied drama, managing actor teams and designing interactive shows in which she also has been exercising her acting skills. Since the early years of her career, Freya has been dedicated to self development, always curious and searching for ways to improve herself, to find peace and passion bringing balance in life. On her path Freya met many inspiring teachers, from whom she learned the art of meditation, mindfulness, breathing, shamanic practices, drama, magic, bodywork and Tantra.


For over 20 years she has been practicing yoga and meditation. She started practicing Yoga ant the University of Toronto since 1991, after visiting OSHO center in Pune in 2008, she practiced it regularly and in 2008 she became a certified OSHO Meditations facilitator. She has also been practicing Vipassana meditation. She was studying the Merkaba Meditation following the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedeck and Tom de Winter.


She began practicing breathwork practice in 2011 with Ewa Folley, Collin Sisson breathwork practitioners training, and later at Nemi Nath’s Breath Integration Center Training (Australia) in 2002-2003. She has been practicing breathwork with clients, and learned other techniques like holotropic breating, shamanic breathing, and yogic breathing.


She started to study TANTRA in 2001 taking courses with various teachers among them Diane and Kerry Rileys, practiced Taoist energy work with Mantak Chia’s practitioners and Tantra courses in OSHO Center in Pune. Since about 2013 she started intensive learning period with Western TANTRA teachers, among whom are Sarita, Bruce Lyon, Andrew Barnes, Matt Schwenk, Susanne Rousgaard, Santoshi, John Hawken and Shachar Caspi. Since 2013, she has been studying intensively with Santoshi, John Hawken, and Shahar Caspi, all of whom appreciated her Tantra experience and teaching skills by inviting her to co-teach with them. Apart form the Western Tantra, Freya is fascinated and studies and contemplates the Shivaistic non Dual Tantra following the teachings of Sally Kempton and Christopher D. Wallis.


Seeking her spiritual roots, Freya entered the shamanic path of discovering the secrets of magic and Celtic spirituality following Starhawk, Celtic Pagan witch, world famous writer, feminist and eco-activist since 2004. Starhawk was Freya’s spiritual guide for many years, where she learned various modalities of shamanic rituals and healing. Then Freya continued diving into rituals and initiations of shamanic work in the Eagle and the Condor tradition, which deepened her understanding of the world of nature, energy, spirituality and medicine plants healing. Freya found a way to share her passion for shamanic with wider audience trhough Cacao ceremonies and Ecstatic Dance events. She is known in Poland for her special Blend of cacao and offering Ecstatic & Tantric Dance events. She loves music and dj-ing has become her yet another hobby.


Since 2002 for more than eight years she studied the methods of natural body cleansing methods attending and later co-teaching DETOX trainings programs with Ewa Foley (renown writer, speaker and trainer). She completed Lomi Lomi training in 2012, attended yearly 3 level course of bioenergetics tranining with John Hawken and completed professional certified yearly Tantra Massage Training. She now is co-teaching this Training with John Hawken.


Freya believes that all of social problems come from lacks of skills in communication, therefore she has been studying various modalities of communication, teaching and coaching her business clients, NGO’s, and conducting self development workshops. She has developed unique blend of experimential methods which enable the participants to learn fast and efficiently.


Freya is passionate for acting since high school. In 1997 she took one year acting training at George Brown College in Toronto, later during 2010-2015 she completed Cognitive Skills and Applied Drama with prof. George Nelson from Brigham Young University, Applied drama courses with prof. Andy Kempe from University of Reading, completed Voluntary Drama Academy, Laboratorium Theatre (Grotowski School) as well various improvisation and acting courses. In her teaching Freya is combining her acting skills and passion for theatre. Since 2012 – 2015 she has been leading a Non Profit Theater foundation, where she co-created several interactive performances in which she and performed as actress.


Freya has been trained as a coach during her corporate career, and has been practicing coaching with private clients since 2005. Currently she is completing a 2 year therapeutic studies of Process Oriented Psychology (POP). Process oriented psychology is a multicultural, multi-level, awareness practice for individuals and organizations in all states of consciousness. Also called Processwork, it is an evolving, trans-disciplinary approach supporting individuals, relationships and groups to discover themselves. Process oriented psychology uses awareness to track psychological and physical processes that illuminate and possibly resolve inner, relationship, team, and world issues. Freya strives to live with passion and harmony and she shares this with her clients and students.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Lomi Lomi Masseur since 2012

    Tantra Massage Certificate 2016 at John Hawken's, accreditet with ASIS.

  • Languages

    English, Polish
  • Qualifications

    Tantric Massage Practitioner (John Hawken)

Background & Training

02/2013 – now

Art of Love (Shachar Caspi) 4 modules, now co-teaching

02/2013 – now

Red, White and Green Tara - Tantra for women year long training Santoshi, now co-teaching


Sexual healing and Dearmouring (Susanne Roursgaard)

02/2015 – 12/2016

Sacred Body Passionate spirit Year Long Tantra Training ( John Hawken), now co-teaching

09/2015 – 09/2016

Tantric Massage Practitioner (John Hawken)


ZOE Life Eternal Sarita & Bruce Lyon (Corfu)

07/2013 – 06/2014

Bioenergetics Year Long taining with John Hawken

06/2013 – 07/2013

Tantric Initiation for women - Anasuja Koopmans


Bruce &Shakara Lyon "Eden's gate. Innocence and Eros"


Whole Body Orgasm - Andrew Barnes


Polyamory Deborah Annapol


Awakening the Sacred Body


Merkaba - Ancient Sacred Temple Art Meditation Egipt


Tao of Sexuality - Rosemary Weibel

03/2002 – 03/2004

Breath Integration (Nemi Nath)

05/2001 – 03/2002

Breath integration practitioner 3 modules (Colin Sisson)


‭+48 517 643 295‬

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Tantra Massage Studio
03-913 Warszawa
‭+48 517 643 295‬
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