sexological bodywork somatic coaching Berlin
R1 03909 0032 purple

em steinberg


Main offers: sexological bodywork, somatic coaching (consent, boundaries)


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i offer sexological bodywork & sex-positive workshops at the speed of trust, hands-on or hands-off.


Sexological Bodywork
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops


sexological bodywork is a method of client-led and trauma-informed somatic sex education, which can support you in
...deepening your connection to your body.

...exploring and celebrating your erotic potential.
...getting clearer about your needs, boundaries and desires.

...embodying your own version of sexuality and eroticism.

sexological bodywork sessions happen in a contained, mindful environment ~ centred around the your agency and pace. the slow, mindful, communicative qualities of a session allow for things to come up and be held ~ perhaps ones that might stay hidden in other settings.

sessions can be hands-on or hands-off. in hands-on sessions, erotic touch is one-way, from bodyworker to client (or from client to self). either way, we explore and talk about what happens in your body ~ physically, emotionally, erotically, energetically.

my softness, care, spaciousness & presence are present in my work. my work is slow & gentle ~ at your pace, at edge of growth, but inside your window of tolerance, allowing you to learn & expand without overwhelming your system.

together we work on themes and topics that are on your heart/mind/genitals. we could work together throughout more than one session. i find that this is supportive with many themes, as it allows for deeper trust to build.

we can work with a wide range of modalities (eg. wheel of consent exercises, self-pleasure coaching, anal, genital & body mapping & massage, pleasure exploration, scar tissue massage.)

i love diving deeper into consent work, boundary work and self-pleasure as a learning field.
i am particularly excited about working with queer & trans folks.

here's where you can read more,
and here's where you can
book a free intro call
with me.

about em

i am white, assigned jewish at birth, transfemme, endosex, able-bodied, neurodivergent, with personal experiences of trauma.
i use she/they/em pronouns.
i am slow and i am soft and i take pride in those two things

i am fascinated by the intersection of sexuality, spirituality and identity.
i believe that pleasure & the erotic are invitations into the present moment, the here&now. i believe connection is an antidote to isolation and suffering. i believe that when sexuality is on the table, there is permission to be present in wholeness. i believe in this work for its ability to encourage agency, build trust & connection and give space for vulnerability, slowness, deep listening, awe & wonder.

i'm so grateful & honored that i get to do this work.

Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    giving sessions since 2022

    offering workshops since 2021

    accompanying people's processes since 1989

  • Languages

    English, German
  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

04/2023 – now

Somatic Experiencing (currently 3/6 modules)

08/2021 – 12/2022

Certified Sexological Bodyworker


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12049 Berlin
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