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Paula Strakos
My heart fills up with joy when assisting people in their path to more self-awareness, true freedom, authenticity and love. Let us celebrate life together.
Having grown up not feeling truly satisfied with my available spiritual and emotional references, I tried out every self-knowledge and self-awareness tool that came my way. I collected a broad range of useful and transformative techniques to journey within myself and pave a path into a life of true freedom, authenticity and love. My heart fills up with joy when sharing these insights and truths with others who are committed to finding themselves and living a meaningful life.
Dates & Facts
2014 Arbeite ich mit Energieheilung (Reiki)
2015 bin ausgebildete Yoga-Tantra Lehrerin
2017 arbeite ich als Tantra Masseurin
2017 arbeite ich als Frauen Sexualcoach
2021 Ausbildung zur Körperpsychotherapie
2021 Tantramassage Kurse und Seminare
English, German, Spanish, Portoguese -
Tantric Massage Practitioner Andro® L1
Perlentor Yoni-Massage Practitioner (Nhanga Grunow)
Background & Training
12/2017 – 04/2019
07/2017 – 10/2018
Elsa-Brändström-Straße 4
13189 Berlin
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