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Mkali Sexological Bodywork San Francisco

M’kali-Hashiki nln


Main offers: Sexological Bodywork



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Helping QTPOC (and aspiring allies) heal their erotic wounds & access their erotic energy as fuel for radical transformation.


Sexual Counseling
Sexological Bodywork
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes
Other offers


“Cultivating Our Own Inherent Erotic Power Is Part Of A Larger, Radical Framework For Dismantling Oppression”


My Bio

I was given the name Mkali Hashiki by a Priest of Oshun in the Ifa tradition (I added the hyphen & apostrophe to help with pronounciation). It means “fierce passion” in Swahili. I believe that we are all entitled to have passion in our lives, and to understand how being connected to our passion & creativity enhances our lives & the lives of those around us. It is my fierce passion for a happy, healthy, world that motivates everything I do.

I’m a Certified Sexological Bodyworker; a Certified Sound, Voice, & Music Healer; and a Certified Tantric Sacred Intimate. I’m also a Gynecological Teaching Associate (teaching medical students how to perform painless, patient-centered pelvic & breast exams using my body as the demo model), a published essayist; a former professional social justice organizer; and an Ifa devoteé. I’m a fat, Black, queer, womanist, polyamorous, kinky, first generation Northern-born, middle-aged dyke Burn Survivor with moderate to severe PTSD. My cultural upbringing & lived experiences of struggling to love myself in a world that hates all of my identities (some more than others) informs every aspect of my work.

I am currently addressing 30 plus years of undiagnosed & untreated PTSD. I understand the ways in which our triggers hide from us, popping up when we least expect it; the ways trauma can influence even the most mundane actions in our day-to-day lives; the ways minor triggers substitute for the major ones. Even though my traumatic incident was not sexual trauma, it still had an impact on my erotic growth & sexual development.

I have been deeply influenced personally, professionally, and politically by Audre Lorde’s essay “The Uses Of The Erotic: The Erotic As Power” (if you haven’t read it, you need to!). I believe her point that in order to maintain itself, oppression requires the repression of the erotic. Because of my politics, spirituality, and lived experiences; because of the lies we are constantly told about what sex should be, about what is normal and acceptable; and because of the sexual truths that are vilified; I view my work in FiercePassions as a form of political rebellion.


Fierce Passion has three pillars—embodiment (Presence), joy (Pleasure), and spirituality (Prayer). These provide a foundation that supports all aspects of our lives: joy, grief, work, play, sexuality, spirituality. Passion missing one of these pillars is unstable—it’s not something we can lean on; it can’t support the weight of our lives.

Unfortunately for many of us, our histories— including trauma, experiences living in bodies marginalized by society, upbringing, etc—can affect the strength of any of those pillars.

I offer tools to repair, reconstruct or build these pillars using Erotic Breathwork as the main healing modality. As a Sacred Somatic Storyteller, I help you unearth the stories your body is holding onto that no longer serve you, and review & reframe them so that they do.

My offerings fall into four categories: Community Sessions, Group Journeys, Private Sessions, & Solo Journeys.

An online consultation is required before becoming my client. Please do not email me through the link here, please read my website first & schedule a consultation.

Dates & Facts

  • Languages

    English, Spanish
  • Qualifications

    Certified Sexological Bodyworker

Background & Training

01/2011 – 08/2011

Certified Sexological Bodyworker



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Unit 359
94705 Berkeley
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