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Pamela Behnke Tantra Zürich

Pamela Behnke


Main offers: Tantra massage training according to the criteria of the Tantra Massage Association eV TMV. Bodywork Coaching and sexual counseling.



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Tantra massage courses and individual courses, couples massage courses in the art of sensual massage, seminar trips.


Sexual Counseling
Certified Tantric Massage
Sexual Coaching for Women
Sexual Coaching for Men
Classes and Workshops
Online Practitioner / Online Classes


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Enjoyment meets health!

The Zinnober School accompanies people into a more sensually fulfilled life.

In solving sexual problems and in cultivating your sensual resources. Body therapy training is also part of the program. Whether lectures on love and sexuality, professional tantric massage courses, Sexological Bodywork or tantric holiday seminars - Pamela Behnke and her team convince clients and participants with their combined specialist knowledge, high level of professionalism and with sensitivity and presence.

It is the Zinnoberschule's declared aim to show, in the large, exciting field of sexuality, that deep and powerful touch brings more quality, joy and pleasure into (love) life. The courses and training always focus on the authentic in personal development. They promote self-confidence and one's own sensuality and express people's creative potential.


Learning is best done with ease and joy, which is why humor and liveliness, along with sound knowledge and experience from the areas of sexology and meditation, psychotherapy and tantra, are important components of our love school seminars for women, men, singles and couples. The same applies to our training courses for professional tantric masseurs, female masseuses and Sexological Bodyworker .

We offer services with the following focus:

- Tantra massage courses and couples workshops, couples massage courses in the art of sensual massage in our practice in Munich and in Kisslegg in Allgäu.

- Training and further education in the field of sexual counseling/sexual therapy: Sexological Bodywork, somatic sexual counseling

- Tantra massage training for professional users in Germany, Austria and Zurich.

Training in pelvic area support and yoni massage.

We look forward to seeing you,

the Zinnoberschule team


Dates & Facts

  • Experience

    Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie HPG

  • Languages

  • Qualifications

    Official Trainer for the German Tantric Massage Association TMV®

Background & Training


Official Trainer for the German Tantric Massage Association TMV®



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