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Nicole Schuttenberg
“Beyond right and wrong lies a place.
We will meet there.” Rumi
Sexual counseling and Coachings also via Zoom or telephone!
Sexual Counseling / Sexological Body Therapy
Where are you right now with your sexuality? What is your relationship with your body?
- How do you feel in your daily sexual life?
- How does your sexuality influence your relationship?
- Do you feel connected during sex?
- What defines you as an erotic being?
- What slows down your desire? What promotes it?
- How can you recognize your sexual patterns?
- What does intimacy mean to you?
- Does sexuality scare you or hurt you?
- What is causing you difficulties?
- Everything about feeling, orgasms, erections + ejaculations
- What are you embarrassed about?
- Are you good at touching yourself?
- You have become a mother / father
- What impact does getting older have on you?
- How can you communicate well during sex?
- Do you have a sexual vision? Where do you want it to go?
- Do you want to learn more about sexuality and get new inspiration?
I invite you to reflect and learn about your sexuality. We will take the time to discuss what concerns you. Respectfully, openly and in private. Together we will work out what can support you.
Coachings for couples
Do you as a couple want to (re)discover your sexuality or change something about it?
Do you want a lively sexuality, as a connection and an anchor between you? Do you want humor back in your sexuality? The lightness and desire? Do you want to experience your sexuality together, feel connected in your intimacy?
Maybe you are different in how you develop a desire for sex, how desire and arousal build up and you want to know how to deal with it. Or you can't find the language in bed, you lack the tools to communicate your needs? You have become a parent and can't find a way back to your sexuality? You want to find trust again, your sexuality has changed or is lying dormant because you are dealing with issues such as life crises or illness?
I support you in using your sexuality and physicality as a resource again, rather than as a deficit. In understanding your sexuality as a shared growth process. I would be happy to accompany you in finding the best solution for you individually.
tantric massage
On my own journey of development in life, self-discovery, subtle sensing of my body and connection to other people became increasingly important.
A key element of my learning and growth was the discovery of tantric massage. The experiences I had during my years of training to become a certified tantric masseuse touched and changed me deeply. I felt like I was in the right place, in an atmosphere of mindful, healing and sensual touch and authentic encounters. There it was, the answer to a longing that I had felt within me but could not grasp because until then I had not been clear about what I was actually looking for. The appreciative and mindful tantric bodywork complements and enriches my work in sexological body therapy.
I feel that giving massages is a call from my heart. I want to meet people on a deep level, to touch their body and soul. For me, tantric massage is about simply being present, accepting what is, and being open to whatever may arise. As a masseuse, I don't have to "achieve" anything, I don't have to reach any goal, and neither does the person I touch. I respect the person's life story, character, and personality, so that they feel completely accepted. I don't judge. I meet the other person in a loving, empathetic attitude full of care, and allow a deep connection.
Training in Somatic Sexual Education:
Sexological Body Therapy - IISB, Zurich
Somatic Sexual Counseling – IISB, Zurich
Sexological Bodywork - IISB, Zurich
Pelvic Floor & Sexuality, Pelvis Work Practitioner – IISB, Zurich
Massage training:
Certified Tantra Massage (TMV®) – AnandaWave ®, Cologne
I work as a training manager, seminar leader and supervisor for AnandaWave ® as well as an examiner and trainer in the Tantra Massage Association (TMV®)
Thai Yoga Massage, Practitioner & Teacher – Tobias Frank, Nideggen
Training courses:
Somatic Experiencing – Ursula Funke-Kaiser
Trauma-sensitive body therapy – Pascal Beaumart
Transidentities – dgti (German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality)
Women’s massage, Pearl Gate – Nhanga Grunow
Body in Move – Massage Movements - Ingo Michaelis and Tatjana Goldberg
Tao massage – Michaela Riedl
Orgasmic Meditation
Sexual Deep Relaxation
Memberships of professional associations:
ASIS (Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists)
EASB (European Association of Sexological Bodyworkers)
ACSB (Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers)
TMV® (Tantra Massage Association Germany)
Trusted Bodywork (International platform for certified Bodyworker )
A selection of feedback:
This year I am floating on a quiet little cloud called "self-love" and I would like to let you know this evening that it is I who feel obliged to be grateful. Not because of any pressure on my soul created by society, but simply because of the wonderfully pleasant and sensual emotional touch that I received today through your hands.
The scent of the oils used is still as sensitive on my skin as your familiar, warm voice is vibrating in my ear. This exciting and at the same time liberating experience, led by you in a room full of comfort, cannot be categorized in my opinion and therefore I am not giving it a label. It was and is my best Christmas present in what feels like an eternity.
I will carefully examine your sources of information and know at this very moment that we will meet again in this life at some point in our lives.
I'm looking forward to it and say goodbye in the hope that you have a pleasant evening.
Best regards, S.
I would like to thank you very much for your sensitive and exceptional massage. Your positive charisma and your friendly smile made me feel good and safe right from the start. Even in the conversation before, during and after the massage, you always found the right words and picked me up in my thoughts wherever I was at that moment.
As you've probably noticed, I find it very difficult to talk about intimate things/wishes. Your words about "saying what you want" really got me thinking. I see a lot of potential for improvement in this area.
Thank you for this special experience.
Best regards
In my thoughts I'm sitting opposite you again... the open smile, the beautiful woman with the great figure... you led me, guided me, touched me, gave me gifts. It was moving, it was warm, your breath brushed over my face, I felt like I was being kissed by a snowflake... my thoughts were flying and suddenly stopped... the desire wanted more and more and I ran after it. It was so nice to feel your soft skin on mine... you led me, touched me, gave me gifts. I look forward to another "experience". Thank you...
Love and warm greetings, M.
Thank you! For your empathy, your femininity, for the space, for the timelessness, for the closeness....
And thanks for the tips - wow - a whole treasure trove full - I'll take a look at what's available to me.
Kind regards, H.
I feel great! The massage helped me relax deeply afterwards and showed me that there is definitely still a lot to discover.
Thank you for the lovely hours and the range of information! That should keep me busy for a while
I felt completely comfortable with you.
Best regards, P.
Good morning,
I'm in the office quite early again, but I'm still really(!) feeling the effects of your massage yesterday.
The massage itself and every physical contact with you was a wonderful experience for me, and I would like to thank you again for that. My emotions were confused several times and I often tried to quickly pull myself together again. You touched places and points on me that triggered a lot in me and where I had never been touched before. It just burst out of me and I can still feel your energy and your actions very strongly.
After the massage, I would have preferred not to shower so that I could continue to feel the oil and the smells that remind me of your touch. But even after the shower yesterday and today, the scent is still in my nose and gives me a very nice, warm feeling.
Yesterday, however, I was surprised by the physical after-effects. I never expected the massage to exhaust me so much. I don't know if that's normal, but even though I was only passive, it really put a strain on my body, which is actually used to a lot through sport. I can't really explain it, but your touch triggered a lot in my body.
If it was pleasant for you too, I would like to repeat this experience with you again and then I'm sure I won't seem so lost and will be able to deal with my reactions better.
Thanks again for everything and see you again!
Thank you for your wonderful massage. It was a really wonderful and wonderful experience.
I would really love it if we could do this again. If it were up to me, I could do it every week or at least once a month.
I wish you a wonderful week too.
Best regards
Now that a few days have passed and I've had time to let the massage sink in, it's important to me to tell you again how good it felt - from the moment I arrived at your place to the moment I left. Totally relaxed, without stress. I felt so "free". It was a pretty unique experience.
Thank you for that!
I want to write to you briefly about yesterday:
Whoever gives a lot will certainly get a lot back!
I have great respect for your mindfulness.
And respect for your varied and full-time work. It keeps you in good shape, by the way!
I wish you all the best,
Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to thank you again for the wonderful massage. I really liked the holding and the breathing. The massage was so intense, so different. With a lot of heart. I really felt that. Thank you so much.
Best regards
My dear! The massage turned my body back to normal. Thank you so much for your love and sweet energy, god bless you. Also thank you for the book recommendations, I will look into those. All the best, M.
It's been a while, but I've always remembered those good times from time to time.
At this point I would like to give you another big compliment. It was one of my most wonderful experiences and I am very grateful to you for that.
Wish you a nice evening.
Kind regards, C.
Merry Christmas and thanks again for the great ritual for three of us. My wife is still blown away... It was really great. Best wishes and have a nice weekend!
A few days later, I would like to thank you for the wonderful experience of my first tantric massage.
From the very beginning, I felt a deep sense of familiarity, closeness, naturalness and ease in this very intimate encounter. I found it surprisingly easy to concentrate entirely on your sensitive touches and to passively engage in this sensual experience in a pleasant and well-groomed atmosphere.
Even days later, I still feel a deep physical and mental relaxation - but at the same time a pleasurable excitement. What a relief for body, mind and soul!
I hope I can also make my partner curious about this sensual experience and thus enrich our relationship.
How nice that there are people like you!
Best regards
I keep thinking about the massage you gave me.
It was simply heavenly!
Thank you very much for this wonderful evening. We felt very comfortable with you. It was a happy and fulfilling experience that will surely stay with us for a long time. Thank you very much. I hope you have a lovely sunny day! C.
Thank you so much for your wonderful massage yesterday. It was fantastic and I felt incredibly comfortable with you. I still feel a lot of positive energy in me and I really enjoy it. I wish you a nice evening.
Kind regards, J.
I wanted to get in touch with you again after a night and thank you. It was a very special experience that still has an impact on me.
It inspired me and I took away a lot of things that I will probably think and feel about for a long time. Thank you very much! Regards, M.
Thank you again for the wonderful experience yesterday!
I was not mistaken that you are a suitable counterpart for me; with whom a deeper connection is possible
The massage had a depth that I had never experienced before. Even though my head is having a hard time relaxing, you managed to get my body to surrender completely.
It has been almost three days since you touched me and I can still feel that pleasant feeling that I couldn't describe right after the massage.
It felt so incredibly good to feel your closeness. I am also impressed that you were not afraid to touch me, as we were seeing each other for the first time. Your empathy made it very easy for me to accept and enjoy your closeness. I also felt that you were able to open up to me, which in turn did me a lot of good.
The experience is definitely something that has to be repeated
Best regards -- J.
I was fascinated by how quickly I was able to surrender to your touch, even though it was my first tantric massage. I have never been touched so carefully and tenderly in my intimate area, not even by my partner. Your loving attention was a special gift.
Your massage was like an inner cleansing for me. You showed me that I am fine just the way I am. I feel completely centered.
I am experiencing again how a tantric massage unfolds days later and has a deep and lasting effect. The wonderful massage you gave me last Thursday still moves me deeply and as soon as I am not busy with my everyday life, I can feel your incredibly soothing touches. Your physical closeness was an indescribably beautiful experience for me. I would like to thank you once again very, very much for that!!! I hope to be able to have another massage from you this year.
Best regards from H.
Dates & Facts
English, German -
Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®
Certified Sexological Bodyworker
Background & Training
09/2016 – now
09/2010 – now
02/2018 – 04/2019
09/2017 – 07/2018
07/2016 – 10/2017
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